My TDEE....Is it too much?

I just completed the calculations on my TDEE. With a 20% reduction, it still says I should be eating 2287 calories. I put on there 3-5 hours moderate exercise. I will be starting Turbo Fire in the mornings Monday-Saturday and the gym on my lunch break Monday-Friday. I do have a lot to lose. Is this too many calories for a 5'3" Female?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I just completed the calculations on my TDEE. With a 20% reduction, it still says I should be eating 2287 calories. I put on there 3-5 hours moderate exercise. I will be starting Turbo Fire in the mornings Monday-Saturday and the gym on my lunch break Monday-Friday. I do have a lot to lose. Is this too many calories for a 5'3" Female?

    you're going to be working out twice a week 5 days a week? no, its not too many calories!
  • kezell83
    kezell83 Posts: 112 Member
    I put in there 3-5 hours. I didn't want to over do the amount. I know the turbo fire workouts vary from 30-55 minutes. And I will be in the gym for about 45 minutes each day also. I know it adds up to way more than 3-5 hours a week. But the 5-6 hours is 2545 calories and the 7-21 is 2803. I surely don't want to gain weight.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    fueling your workouts isnt a bad thing....
  • kezell83
    kezell83 Posts: 112 Member
    Thank you. I am going to try it for a few weeks and see how it goes.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    is there a reason you're working out twice a day?

    generally starting healthy habits that you enjoy and are sustainable is the best way to get the weight off and keep it off.
  • EolAcalia
    EolAcalia Posts: 18 Member
    How much weight do you have to lose?

    When I calculate my TDEE, i use the sedentary option, and don't eat back my calories from exercise.
  • kezell83
    kezell83 Posts: 112 Member
    I have about 90-116. I'm not sure if I want to get down to 150 or 130. Its according to how I feel at 150.
  • kezell83
    kezell83 Posts: 112 Member
    The calculations for the sedentary is 1770.
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    The calculations for the sedentary is 1770.

    Hi OP! I agree with someone else who posted... is there a reason why you want to do two workouts most days? The BeachBody programs are generally designed to be stand-alone programs from what I know (I've done T25 and Insanity). I could see adding on some additional workouts with T25 possibly, since that's a shorter workout. I exerted myself too much when doing Insanity, as I was playing a lot of sports during the week as well. If I had it to do over, I would have waited and done Insanity over the winter when I didn't have as much going on (I feel lucky I didn't injure myself or have any other issues. I did often feel very tired and sometimes weak at the time). These programs can be quite intense, and it's important to make sure you get enough rest and fuel.

    I disagree w/the person who uses the sedentary TDEE and does not eat back exercise. The whole point of the TDEE calculation is to account for your daily activities. There's a step in the calculation where you can adjust your TDEE based on your goals (losing weight, maintaining, gaining weight). It's possible that sedentary TDEE would end up being similar to (TDEE + exercise calories - weight loss calories) for some people/circumstances, but that kind of defeats the purpose of even calculating a TDEE IMO... I used this site for mine:
  • EolAcalia
    EolAcalia Posts: 18 Member
    I disagree w/the person who uses the sedentary TDEE and does not eat back exercise. The whole point of the TDEE calculation is to account for your daily activities.

    Most people don't work out daily, and its an added complication to work out how much to each on non-exercise days.

    Take 500 off whichever you decide (Sedentary, or excercise) if you don't lose 1lb of weight, take another 100 off, until you start losing a lb a week off.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I disagree w/the person who uses the sedentary TDEE and does not eat back exercise. The whole point of the TDEE calculation is to account for your daily activities.

    Most people don't work out daily, and its an added complication to work out how much to each on non-exercise days.

    Take 500 off whichever you decide (Sedentary, or excercise) if you don't lose 1lb of weight, take another 100 off, until you start losing a lb a week off.

    if you follow TDEE calculations you eat the same each day....
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    I just completed the calculations on my TDEE. With a 20% reduction, it still says I should be eating 2287 calories. I put on there 3-5 hours moderate exercise. I will be starting Turbo Fire in the mornings Monday-Saturday and the gym on my lunch break Monday-Friday. I do have a lot to lose. Is this too many calories for a 5'3" Female?

    I dont know what this turbo fire is or what you plan on doing at the gym but going from 0 to 60 in five seconds (so to speak) is setting yourself up for failure\

    Whenever I restart a program I slowly tweak my diet and exercise routine I start off lets say lifitng three days per week and as I acclimate I add in HIITS and perhaps running Perhaps start off with the gym at lunch only then add in this turbo fire in a few weeks. As for calories try this tdee-20% if you gain its too much if you lose then its spot on! These calculators are a guide!
  • EolAcalia
    EolAcalia Posts: 18 Member

    if you follow TDEE calculations you eat the same each day....

    My total daily energy expenditure isn't the same on the days that I don't work out...
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member

    if you follow TDEE calculations you eat the same each day....

    My total daily energy expenditure isn't the same on the days that I don't work out...

    I just average mine out. As long as I'm still losing weight, it doesn't matter. If I stop losing weight, I look at my numbers again.
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I disagree w/the person who uses the sedentary TDEE and does not eat back exercise. The whole point of the TDEE calculation is to account for your daily activities.

    Most people don't work out daily, and its an added complication to work out how much to each on non-exercise days.

    Take 500 off whichever you decide (Sedentary, or excercise) if you don't lose 1lb of weight, take another 100 off, until you start losing a lb a week off.

    On the TDEE calculation on the link I posted it lists these as options for activity level:
    Desk job w/little exercise
    1-3 hrs/wk of light exercise
    3-5 hrs/wk of moderate exercise
    5-6 hrs/wk of strenuous exercise
    7-21 hrs/wk of strenuous exercise/work

    With the TDEE system, you eat the same amount of calories each day based on your average activity level for the week. So, there is no complication of figuring out how much you eat on certain days. I, for example, eat 1900 every day. I just had to calculate it once. I chose the "Lose fat - 10% calorie reduction" option, so that is factored into my calories.
  • kezell83
    kezell83 Posts: 112 Member
    The workout that I will be doing on my lunch break is mainly going to be weight so I can build my strength up. No cardio or anything like that. I am going to use the 3-5 hours a week option on there. Ill recalculate once I have lost 5 or more lbs. I used the for mine.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    if you follow TDEE calculations you eat the same each day....

    My total daily energy expenditure isn't the same on the days that I don't work out...

    tdee calculates an average across the week...