I have found the diet for me!!!



  • proctor0828
    It's sounds high protein..low carb

    It's Calorie confusion... not a low calorie or low carb... it doesn't focus on that.
    Reguardless though, it's working for me... I just thought I would share my new found secret so that maybe it would help others. By the way... I've lost 2 lbs since first posting this.

    Thanks. I'm gonna try it! If it will help me lose this excess weight .....what the heck . Well I don't think I did this quote correctly ....LOLOL

    I just want to respond and let you know that you should do your own research on the diet. I did mine and I liked what I saw, that is why I chose to forgo this diet. But clearly there are people that don't approve of me announcing this. So I just wanted to say again... look it up and make the choice for yourself... also articles that you see on them titled "Scam" or something along the lines.... actually read the article.... all the one that I personally came across said it was not... but again look it up for yourself.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    .. no one has anything bad to say.
    Really? I found some.

    Just based on search results, it's apparent this company is out to saturate the internet with false advertisement, buying up 90% of the fatloss for idiot domains, and every which variant of it. Yes, you'll probably lose 9 pounds in 11 days THE FIRST round, but it certainly won't be fat, and certainly won't be repeatable for very long once you're metabolism shuts down.

    HAHA.. obviously you didn't read the articles.... the second one explains that it does work, that it is not a scam.
    The first one... clearly they didn't do the diet. each meal you are given several foods to choose from, you can eat 1, some, or all the foods at each meal. The key is to learn when you are satified. The types of food are set up in a way to work with eachother to help burn fat.

    this is called viral marketing, companies do it all the time. Squidoo is a free website that allows users to create their own page quickly and easily. This site (and many others like it) do very minimal monitoring of their sites and thus users are basically free to put anything they want on it. Just because it's in a site doesn't make it real.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    ... that is what this website is about! If you all want to be so close minded then you should keep your negativity to yourselves. Try it or don't try it...either way I don't care... I just thought that I'd share my success... again, that's what this website is for.
    First off, it's not about being close minded, but I've been learning & reading about fitness & nutrition for years now & know a quick fix scam when I see one. To lose 9 lbs of FAT in 11 days means you have to be in a 2864 calorie deficit EVERY DAY. Most people's BMR isn't even that high. Don't you see, THE MATH DOESN'T ADD UP!!!!

    Success? Success is loosing the weight & keeping it off for the rest of your life, not loosing 8 lbs in a week.

    And no that's not what this site is about. It's about people wanting to lose weight the proper way through a lifestyle change that includes some physical activity & a sensible nutrition plan. What you're doing is spreading unhealthy, potentially dangerous propaganda. If that means I'm rude, then I guess I am.
  • proctor0828
    .. no one has anything bad to say.
    Really? I found some.

    Just based on search results, it's apparent this company is out to saturate the internet with false advertisement, buying up 90% of the fatloss for idiot domains, and every which variant of it. Yes, you'll probably lose 9 pounds in 11 days THE FIRST round, but it certainly won't be fat, and certainly won't be repeatable for very long once you're metabolism shuts down.

    HAHA.. obviously you didn't read the articles.... the second one explains that it does work, that it is not a scam.
    The first one... clearly they didn't do the diet. each meal you are given several foods to choose from, you can eat 1, some, or all the foods at each meal. The key is to learn when you are satified. The types of food are set up in a way to work with eachother to help burn fat.

    this is called viral marketing, companies do it all the time. Squidoo is a free website that allows users to create their own page quickly and easily. This site (and many others like it) do very minimal monitoring of their sites and thus users are basically free to put anything they want on it. Just because it's in a site doesn't make it real.

    The point was that it was not bad about the diet...

    If you don't agree with it fine... don't do it! I posted long ago don't take my word for it! Look it up for yourself... I did and I decided to give it a try. For me it's working... If you look it up and decide that you don't want to try it, FINE! Really! FINE! This is kind of silly! I simply posted a hoorah and am being slamed for it. Just because I am doing it doesn't mean you should too!!! Every persons situation is different! This diet works for me! I am a mom of 3 beautiful little girls. Going to the gym 1-2 hours a day is not easy for me... I'm looking for a solution for myself not for you! I simply put this out there because aside from you there might be someone who is like me and ready for something to change. I am one of those people that can't get motivated to get into a good routine unless I see atleast some results fast. I posted this for me and for an option for others. I didn't post it to make it law!
  • proctor0828
    For those of you that are incredibly offended by my post, feeling that I am forcing something of all of you. The topic of this post is "I have found the diet for me!!!" No where did I say you do it. I simply threw a brief description of it and said I would keep you posted on me. Then when I was asked about the diet... I answer the question... again I did not say DO IT nor if I did would you have to listen to me. I'm done arguing about this! My faith in MFP is declining! I simply made a harmless post and was slapped in the face for it! I have been a member of this website for years and I too know the mathmatics of weightloss... I also know that sometimes it doesn't work, for whatever reason. I am not giving medical advice nor advice at all! I was simply telling my personal story.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I myself, am not offended by the post at all. When you post on a public forum, you must be aware that people may challenge your opinions. That's the nature of public forums.

    I pointed out simply in my own opinion, the flaws I see in this diet. Whether you like this or not is on you, not me. I mean, if you want to debate what I consider major flaws, I'm fine with that, and if your points are solid and accurate, maybe I'll change my tune. if that's something you want to do, great, I've had my opinion changed on MFP before, and I'm sure it'll happen again.

    The problem I see, is that this post extols the virtues of the diet, implying that it's a great way to lose weight. And I don't feel that it is, I feel that it's unhealthy, and full of issues. I don't need you to be happy about that, but generally, if I see something on here I strongly disagree with, I voice my opinion on it. I don't see anything wrong with that. You may feel like it's me picking on you, or carrying out some personal vendetta, but I'm not, I'm simply trying to make sure that people see both sides of this plan. It's only my opinion. Like it or not, that's the whole reason why this whole forum was set up. So people could talk about ideas, discuss differing opinions, and have thoughtful (and sometimes emotional) debate about all things fitness and health relates. At least that's how I interpret it.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    SHBoss, thanks to you and the other fellow for "pointing out these flaws" on this ones diet plan.......like the other fellow said, in order to lose so much weight so fast, youd be giving up at least 35, 000 calories? I thought it was -3500 calories = 1 lb lost, so shes here pushing this diet, not calculating how much you need to be in the deficit mode....

    nah, Il just stick to eating sensible, exercing, and coming here and getting support from my friends.......

    Some one ought to ask her if she gets a kick back or a commission off of each member that sends money her way?

    Thanks for watching out for us in here guys.......I apprecaite it......Lloyd
  • proctor0828
    SHBoss, thanks to you and the other fellow for "pointing out these flaws" on this ones diet plan.......like the other fellow said, in order to lose so much weight so fast, youd be giving up at least 35, 000 calories? I thought it was -3500 calories = 1 lb lost, so shes here pushing this diet, not calculating how much you need to be in the deficit mode....

    nah, Il just stick to eating sensible, exercing, and coming here and getting support from my friends.......

    Some one ought to ask her if she gets a kick back or a commission off of each member that sends money her way?

    Thanks for watching out for us in here guys.......I apprecaite it......Lloyd

    This is the last post I will be making because frankly this is ridiculous!
    To you sir, how dare you attack me personally! Atleast the other guy has the dignity to attack the idea and not the person! I in no way am "pushing this diet"! I simply posted what I am doing and made curtousy post when people inquired. As you can see I clearly said each and everytime that if someone was interested they needed to look it up for themselves. Shame on you for passing harsh judgment on someone the way you have. You don't know me nor know my situation.

    As far as SHBoss, your opinion fair and well noted. I again have not tried to push anyone to do this diet. I also didnt at anytime state that it was a healthy way to go. All I have stated is that it promises results and I have had those results. I again know the mathematics of weightless. I found something that is currently working for me, so I personally choose to continue with it. Everyone else may make their own choices about how they want to go about loosing their weight. Although this was an unwanted debate I appreciate you keeping it about the topic.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    and to you Madam, I sincerely apologize. I meant nothing against you, it was mainly your diet and the expectations from it.

    I ve offended you, and for this, I am sorry. If it works for you, then so be it. What you are doing is working for you, and what I have done has worked for me. I am always suspicious of fad diets, and fad weight losses, matter of fact, some one just started a "Fad Diet Post" on the boards about 15 mins ago.............

    Again, please accept my aplogy.....Lloyd
  • proctor0828
    Thank you for that!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,021 Member
    Geeez all she was doing was sharing what was working for her and saying check it out if you want. It kind of makes people leery of posting what is working for them if they feel they have to explain everything about the diet, she said you could check it out. any way just my 2 cents
  • proctor0828
    Thankyou :)
  • proctor0828
    Thankyou :)
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Most of these fad diets are unsuccessful (and unhealthy) because they promote too much of a calorie deficit, which initially allows you to drop weight quickly. When you also consider that people starting a new diet typically start drinking more water, this accounts for another portion of the large initial weight loss, because when you drink more water your body holds less water. And when you account for the fact that many of the people that are looking for quick and easy solutions don’t exercise, they also lose muscle under such a calorie deficit, which accounts for more of the initial weight loss. This makes the diet appear to be successful at first glance, however, over time the weight loss tapers off, the dieter becomes discouraged and then quits. At this point all of the water weight that was lost comes back as the dieter resumes their previous bad behaviors, they are now in a calorie surplus and since they now have less lean body mass, they gain more fat back quicker. Time passes, they decide to diet again, and the cycle repeats.

    This is why diet and exercise MUST be a lifestyle change, not a temporary “quick and easy” solution to a lifetime of bad habits. It takes hard work and dedications; two things that are lost in modern day society.

    To the OP. good luck, I hope it works out for you.