Maintaining, kind of

It's just over a year since I first signed up to MFP and to say life has changed would be a huge understatement. I've logged my food intake religiously for the last 365+ days, have lost about 40lbs and 4 dress sizes since this time last year. I'd always tended towards being sporty but now actually do some form of exercise very regularly (5/6 times a week) - I've even started running competitively. And I've learnt an incredible amount about training and nutrition, to the point where I think I'm becoming a bit of a bore!

All good so far, but there's a reason why I'm not posting this under Success Stories. I think I’ve developed something that Google tells me is called binge eating disorder. Since I hit my goal weight I’ve found myself compulsively eating 5,000+ calories in a single day, on a regular basis. So far it hasn’t affected my weight too much but if it continues like this it’s only a matter of time. I’ve been experimenting recently with a low carb / Paleo-ish way of eating, in order to maintain some control, but I still find ways of eating huge amounts, even with those limitations.

Has anyone else experienced this? I did mention it to my GP but she didn’t take it at all seriously, I think because of the way I look. I’m thinking about hypnotherapy as my next option. Would love to hear what’s worked for other folks…


  • dawnmcneil10
    dawnmcneil10 Posts: 638 Member
    I've heard of self sabotaging when you get very close to hitting goal weight. People tend to almost panic and start consuming everything they can while others see the goal in sight and go fitness crazy to lose that last few and go too far.

    It didn't happen to me personally but I took a very long slow process during the process and lost 85 lbs over 13+ years. So when I got to maintenance range I had pretty much come to terms with myself and my body.