
Okay, I'm going to try this again. I tried to post this yesterday, but it never showed up on the board:

I have been a member of MFP for years but I haven't stuck to it like I need to. I am going to recommit and I would love to find people willing to support me in this journey.

My story:
Through high school I weighed around 145 and thought I was sooooo fat. After I graduated from high school and started college, my weight really started to yo-yo. Around 160 was the highest that I ever got until I got pregnant. After I had my son, I weighed around 170 and I started to track what I ate and I started to walk for exercise. When my son was about 3, I started training in Tae Kwon Do and I feel in love with it. I trained for anywhere from 1 to 2 hours 5 days a week while still walking. The weight fell off. After my husband and I separated, I was training at least 2 hours 5 days a week and was in the best shape of my life (and I could eat whatever I wanted). I went back to school while working midnight shift and raising my son so I couldn't train like I had before. After I graduated, I got a new job, but that only lasted a month until they told me that I was not a good fit. It was the first time that I had been unemployed in 20 years. My son and I moved in with my boyfriend. We now live about a 40 minute drive from where I train in TKD, so now I train even less. Oh, and I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease right before I lost my job, so that didn't help. I went to the doctor last week because I am suffering from joint pain and fatigue and I couldn't believe when she weighed me and I was 194. That was my top weight when I was pregnant.

Soooo....I'm recommitting to a healthier lifestyle and I'm looking for like-minded buddies. I don't like fad diets, quick fixes and quackery. I'd love for them to work, but guess what...they don't. The only quirky thing that I'm doing right now is tracking my weight in kg instead of lbs because I have too much of an emotional attachment to a weight in lbs, where as kg doesn't mean that much to me. I am getting a Jawbone to wear to track my activity because I do need a little kick in the pants in that department.