Baked Fish

Does anyone have any recipe for baked fish besides using lemon pepper/lemon slices? I like the taste but can never come up with veggie sides that goes with it


  • annmather3
    annmather3 Posts: 1 Member
    Lorraine Pascale has a Thai trout cooked in a foil parcel. Google for recipe. Hope you like it.
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
  • dcshellz
    dcshellz Posts: 40 Member
    Go crazy! any thing you can conceptualize, in terms of seasoning do it. Asian, Italian, Greek what ever flavor profile you feel like. Any acid will highlight the fish switch it up with squirt of orange, lime, grapefruit, vinegars, or even pineapple...

    as for the vegs choose what you will, ex. I made black bean corn salsa had some left, used it with fish, had some broccoli tossed it in cilantro, chili powder and cumin...squeezed a lime called it a day.