Weight gain after gallbladder removed...



  • MFPRat
    MFPRat Posts: 201 Member
    I found that I gained weight after my gall bladder was removed. Since I could finally eat without pain, I ate whatever I wanted.
  • dawn_h_d
    dawn_h_d Posts: 184 Member
    Never had issues with losing/gaining weight. I just have to make sure of what foods I eat and how close to a bathroom I am. And no, it isn't just the greasy foods - lettuce and ruffiage do the same thing to me.
  • prettyinpinkagain
    prettyinpinkagain Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, I was struggling with this issue myself. In 2011, I lost about 40 lbs total, from 170 to a little less than 130 lb at one point. A good diet and balanced fitness kept me there for the next year. However, in 2013 I had a gall bladder attack after eating pesto tortellini (I have to think this fatty dinner was not a co-incidence). I had to lay off running for a month after surgery, struggled back to run a 10 k but slowly started to gain weight. I was not eating ALOT, but I definitely went back to eating INCORRECTLY. I gained 10 lbs in 6 months and started to wonder what was going on.

    I don't think all of this is associated with digestive enzymes. I also think I really haven't built up enough muscle mass to keep my metabolism at optimum level. A few weeks ago, I decided that I really needed to understand what was going on with my body and went to Natasha Turner in Toronto and am following The Hormone Diet, starting with a cleanse. This is not easy but I'm understanding protein and the importance of hormonal health, inflammation, sleep and stress. I lost 4 lbs since being on the cleanse and re-introduction of foods for a month. I'm also really working on building muscle and revving up my metabolism. I've had lots of problems with diarrhea too since the surgery (esp when running) and trying to find a sustained solution to that (anyone else?).

    Thanks to all of you here I am learning a bit more about enzyme and I'll research this more. I'll keep all of you informed. I really like these forums.
  • nilsengang
    Good Morning. I am 55 year women and I had my gall bladder out last week I am concerned about the wt gain issue Should I start on something now as soon as I am able to eat more foods. I am planning on going back to the gym when cleared to swim
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Strong bump

    OP asked the damn question in February
  • helenc75
    I had my Gall Bladder removed in May 2013 prior to this I had lost 60lb. I have since gained 22lb. I am currently following a calorie controlled diet, sticking to between 1200 & 1700 calories a day dependent on the amount of exercise I do. I have also for the past 2 weeks been doing JM 30 day Shred every morning before work, walking 3 miles in my lunch hour and then a 50 minute kettle bell work out in the evening. I have lost no weight what so ever and am now concerned that this trend will continue. Where am I going wrong? Is it down to my gall bladder being removed!
  • Caerful
    Caerful Posts: 12
    Hi Helen

    I found your post when I googled 'problems dieting after gallbladder removal'. I'm so glad you asked this question.

    August 2011 - I lost about 17lb when I cut out all fat whilst awaiting my gallbladder removal which was carried out in December 2011. Before surgery I was taking Ibuprofen, (with paracetamol), to control the pain and this led to stomach problems and acid reflux for quite a few months after the surgery. Prior to starting a weightloss diet my stomach and bowels had settled down pretty much and I can eat most things without problems, unless I eat after 7.30 p.m. I do have a little IBS so have to get to know what sets that off.

    Since starting what is essentially a low fat, low carb high fibre diet and daily exercise I have only managed to lose 1lb a week. Whilst this may seem satisfactory my body isn't comfortable at all. If I burn too lean, that is really only eat the calories I am allowed, I tend to get very wobbly in the legs (hypoglycaemia?) and feel like the acid reflux may be starting again. I get bloating and wind. If you want to friend me on mfp you can see my food diary. I make sure I eat fish, including oily fish.

    I think the problem is that if I am burning my own body fat my digestion doesn't like it. If I cut out too much fat I have problems too. I've just discovered a chocolate mousse made with avocado pears, which might help me to ingest some healthy fats.

    I do so much exercise now compared to the sedentary office work I used to do. I do Zumba Gold 6 days out of 7 so know I am changing shape, toning therefore swapping fat weight for muscle weight, but my measurements say I'm getting in waist and hips. I'll be teaching Zumba Gold soon so doing between 1 to 3 60 minute sessions 6 out of 7 days.

    My conclusion is, like others here, that slow and steady weightloss is going to be the way but I am going to talk to my GP about it.

    I hope this is of some use and I'd like to continue to hear how people who've had their gallbladders removed are getting on.

    Best wishes, Caerful
  • forevertoday
    forevertoday Posts: 101 Member
    I had my gallbladder removed this year and have not noticed any weight gain. :)
  • bunnybutler29
    I have had mine removed also. I think you need to give your body time to adjust. After my surgery it took me a couple months to get back on track. With a good diet and exercise u should be able to lose.
  • silverlining84
    silverlining84 Posts: 330 Member
    I had mine removed and I actually lost weight. I'm more conscious of what I eat and started exercising more.
  • mayonie1
    mayonie1 Posts: 296 Member
    I had my gallbladder removed last year October and gained weight cause I could eat anything without a pain. Well now that Ive started looking after my health Im losing weight the way Im expecting it.
  • _Bajiggity
    _Bajiggity Posts: 100 Member
    I was oposite I lost so much weight and couldnt keep it on for some reason, this went on for about 7 or 8 months and then it blanced out.
  • Chuuchiii
    I think everyone is different.

    I had my surgery September 30th, 2013 at 6 a.m. (Lolol my first ever real surgery. I remember these things) Anyway. Initially, that whole week after surgery, I gained about 3-4 pounds which slightly frustrated me because I had recently lost weight. I blamed that on my lack of activity after my surgery. I pretty much acted as if I was bed ridden (Not that I had a choice. My family spoiled me). But after a week and a half, I went back to normal. Since then, I've lost another 5 pounds. (I've also recently become a vegetarian) So my fat intake is minimal and the fats I do intake aren't saturated fats.

    I say check your diet. Especially your fat intake. Saturated fat to be specific.
  • alowry25
    alowry25 Posts: 19 Member
    I forgot that I had posted this and quit using MFP for a while.. Thanks for all the replies! I have found that doing the low carb diet works for me!!

    Also, I've seen a couple of people say "bump".. what does that mean?? :o)
  • FitBelleVie
    FitBelleVie Posts: 125 Member
    I just had my gallbladder removed in June and I started back to the gym August 1st once I was fully recovered. I've been working out 7 days a week and have lost over 30 pounds since then. I haven't found it to be harder than normal to lose the weight. I'm sorry you're struggling! Are you counting every calorie?
  • FitBelleVie
    FitBelleVie Posts: 125 Member
    I forgot that I had posted this and quit using MFP for a while.. Thanks for all the replies! I have found that doing the low carb diet works for me!!

    Also, I've seen a couple of people say "bump".. what does that mean?? :o)

    "Bump" makes the thread go back to the first page of the My Topics posts. :) Glad you're on the low carb diet and it's working for you! Usually when people bump a thread, they want more people to discuss on the topic.
  • alowry25
    alowry25 Posts: 19 Member
    I just had my gallbladder removed in June and I started back to the gym August 1st once I was fully recovered. I've been working out 7 days a week and have lost over 30 pounds since then. I haven't found it to be harder than normal to lose the weight. I'm sorry you're struggling! Are you counting every calorie?

    I started doing the low carb diet and lost 7 lbs so I think I'm back on track :o))
  • snowy_white13
    I find that gaining weight after gallbladder removal is pretty common. Just google it and see for yourself. I think that just using some logic can explain it. After the surgery, your doctor tells you to avoid fat. If you follow this advice then you automatically eat more carbs, probably sugar. This situation prooves that eating fat does not make you fat. Eating carbs (sugar) does. However, back to the problem at hand. Your liver constantly makes bile, it is just the storage that has been removed. So now it leaks into your guts and goes to waste. You can consume small amounts of fat with each meal and so put that bile to good use. Also, make sure that fats are good quality (none of these man-made stuff) like butter, olive or coconut oil, and stay away from sugar and processed carbs. Fruit and vegies are good. Hope it helps :)
  • ldonahue74
    ldonahue74 Posts: 53 Member
    i had my gallbladder removed when i was 24. i actually lost weight after it's removal (at 5'9", i was 145lb after i lost weight). out of laziness and preoccupation with life in general (i wont make any lame excuses for my weight), i allowed my weight to creep back up over the years, i think age and dedication are more of a factor
  • Freneticfitness
    Hi alowry25,

    I am a Fitness Trainer and had my Gallbladder removed in march of 2012. I have not gained any weight, actually I have lost more body fat. I understand that prior to my gallbladder being removed my body fat was already low for a female (under 13) and I have always had a tone lean body. However, many people told me that I would gain weight, in fact some even seemed like they were and are still waiting for it to happen. My biggest issue was healing. Two days after my surgery I was rushed back to the hospital in an ambulance (lights and sirens blaring) and spent the next week in the hospital, intubated, and was even told at one point we were running out of time and that I was going to die........if they did not figure out how to fix my problem, I had an obstruction very high up and would not budge regardless of what they tried. My last hope was this shot I could get straight into my abdomen that had a great success rate but I had to go through nuclear x-rays over and over again to make sure I did not have any stones left in my intestines. If I did and they gave me this shot I could end up perforating my intestines and end up septic. Needless to say I got the shot and my life was saved by my amazing doctor, who isn't even a GI specialist just a genious and very caring doctor (LOVE THIS MAN! If anyone cares to know, and you are in Burbank, CA, his name is Dr. Bruce Stark. Look him up, he has a site, amazing man!).

    Anyhow, my point is that the healing from the obstruction messed me up, and still I suffer from pain and nauseas and burning, but noe weight gain. I have had to make a few changes, and I have always eaten a low sugar, diet that is rich in raw and flash steamed veggies, comblex carbs, and lean protein. Plus the many amazing, all natural, non-toxic, sport, and healthy, high quality of life promoting supplements.

    I would hate for anyone to think that all is lost after this surgery. I have also trained a women who was not in the shape I am in, in fact had a baby before and after she had her gallbladder removed, which left her with 70 pounds of pregnancy weight she had to lose, and she lost it.

    Sometimes we don't realize the litle things that do matter, and that can assist you in your health goals.

    If you have questions please feel free to email me at; freneticfitness@gmail.com. You can also find my bio and info on my website; freneticfitness.com, just so you know I am not someone acting as if I know. Besides, We have something in common, and although I have not suffered the same way, I have suffered, and have successfully trained someone back into shape post-gallbladder removal.

    Hope this gives you some hope!

    Diane Mohlman