Do I have an intolerance or is it just bread-bloating?

Bexchubb Posts: 55 Member
Please settle a dispute between me and my OH. Whenever I eat bread I get severe bloating in my abdomen, I also noticed it today when I had puff pastry. Sometimes accompanied by cramps, though not always. I think I must have an intolerance to something in them, but whatever it is must not be in cakes, as they dont affect me in the same way. OH says its just what happens when anyone eats bread, but Im sure not everyone gets it... do they?


  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    So, it's not wheat if it doesn't happen with cakes. And it's not yeast if it is happening with puff pastry. What other ingredients are in the bread you're eating?

    Do you typically eat very high fiber bread? That can cause bloating and intestinal discomfort, especially depending on how much fiber you typically eat and what type is used in the bread. Or, do you typically eat bread alongside high sodium foods (cheese, deli meats, canned soups, etc) that could be causing water retention?
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    If you are concerned that you have an allergy or intolerance, you need to be consulting a doctor, not people on a message board. I'm not being snarky here, I'm being serious. The last thing you need is a bunch of internet strangers running in, diagnosing you with medical issues, and telling you to cut out certain foods or entire foods groups based on some anecdotal evidence they heard or a propaganda-filled book they read. Call your doctor.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,303 Member
    If you do try to ask your doctor I hope you had more success than I had several years ago. I was told to put up with it. Tinnitus, put up with it, swollen tongue, put up with it. Since then I have discovered many other issues and find myself turning to an immunologist.
  • mlyn0812
    mlyn0812 Posts: 31
    Have you been reading a lot of anti-grain gluten free propaganda? There was a time I bought into that and I began to imagine all kinds of symptoms I had never noticed before even though I have been eating those foods my entire life without any ill effects. Kind of like the whole medical school phenomenon where you begin to self diagnose yourself after reading about each disease. If you are really concerned though of course get it checked out.
  • darkangel45422
    darkangel45422 Posts: 234 Member
    It's definitely not something everyone gets, unless you're eating a crap ton of bread at a time. I agree with the others - checking in with your doctor is a good first step. If s/he isn't helpful, do some research and start trying things one at a time - elimination diets, avoiding anti-gluten/wheat/etc. news to see if its in your head, etc. Only way to learn for sure is self-experimentation.