An open letter to Doctor Oz



  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    :drinker: I think he started off meaning well, and it's not like he personally needs the money, given that he's a highly successful surgeon. Nor is he stupid, obviously. But somehow his show has been hijacked and turned into a sideshow. Every once in awhile something interesting gets said, but it's drowned out by the sales pitch for the latest fad. It's sad, really.

    Highly successful surgeons make a few hundred thousand dollars a year, not the millions he is making now.

    Fair enough. He could have done a few shows and still quit while he had his reputation intact if upper middle class wasn't good enough for him, though.

    Why would he quit? He still makes a lot of money doing this.

    Everyone is missing the point. His goal was never to ACTUALLY help people. His goal was to use his credentials to influence people to spend money on products he endorsed and drum up viewership so he could rake in more advertising money by engaging in nutritional fearmongering, which is an extremely lucrative business. The biggest lie he ever sold was that he actually gave a poop about anyone other than himself.

    He's no different than all the other "doctors" out there who have written anti-*insert demon food item here* nutrition books and make hundreds of thousands and sometimes even millions by scaring the living crap out of people and making them believe that there's some huge conspiracy to poison them within the food industry.

    You make me feel so naive! Worse, you could be right.

    I dont' meant to be accusatory of make anyone feel bad. These guys who do this are expert manipulators, and I don't think that anyone who fell for their shenanigans should feel as though they're stupid. They aren't. These guys are just very good at selling their crap, and the entire industry has been selling the idea of magic pills and quick fixes to weight problems for decades. It's ingrained in our society, so we all grow up thinking that at least some of this stuff works. In reality, it doesn't. It's all a big marketing ploy to get your money. It's actually quite sickeningly brilliant in that light.

    My problem is that I tend to assume politicians and corporate types are mostly pure evil, but that most other people in other professions are decent. I should look into reevaluating that. Especially since pure evil corporate and politician types probably get where they are by being pure evil in the first place, only a few make it to the top and then turn on the rest of us!
  • sue_stef
    sue_stef Posts: 194 Member
    but but but my body craves raspberry keytones !!!
  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    Bravo!! My husband finally got it that i didnt want to hear anything else that was cause and surefire cure of my headaches,menopause,neck issues,weight struggles,lack of sex drive, etc that he saw on dr oz. The craziest was somebody on his show said womens breast sag because we wear bras and thus were not letting our muscles do what there supposed too do. I said well them yubanga women in national geographic arent wearing any bras and there swinging babies off them things and there "muscles" aint working
  • gwynned905
    gwynned905 Posts: 1 Member
    I started seeing his show up on the tvs in the gym while I run. But then I found out he endorsed a book called '4 hour body' that suggests you can gain pounds of muscles doing 4 hours a MONTH of exercise. So I saw how low a bar Dr. Oz set.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member

    He's no different than all the other "doctors" out there who have written anti-*insert demon food item here* nutrition books and make hundreds of thousands and sometimes even millions by scaring the living crap out of people and making them believe that there's some huge conspiracy to poison them within the food industry.

    Isn't that enough? But I will say this, can you *name* -- off the top of your head -- one of those other doctors?

    William Davis.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    An open letter to “Dr.” Oz.:

    My whole life I have been fat. There have been ups and downs, but it always comes back to that. My whole life there have been snake oil salesmen offering me an easy fix. Two pills a day, and I can be skinny just like this mystery tribe in the Amazon nobody has heard of until this past year.

    After the first couple hundred dollars I gave up. No matter how late at night I was watching TV and eating Fritos I would NOT pick up that phone. Sure, I’d spend the rest of the night dreaming that there was a pill out there, and I could forget about the work I would surely have to do to get rid of this weight that went on so enjoyably.

    And then you came along. So charming and engaging. You were on TV. Oh, you didn’t start off as a salesman I’m sure. I remember watching you as you progressed. You started off with interesting facts about my body. You had engaging visual aids. Every show wasn’t about a new magical weight loss cure.

    This letter won’t affect you in any way, I’m sure you sleep like a baby at night, most likely on 1800 count Egyptian cotton sheets. But I want to explain to you the effect you have on people like me. And I want to explain what Gross Moral Turpitude is Sir. Because unlike the person you seem to think I am, I am fat, NOT stupid.

    What you do when you pitch these quick fixes from your pedestal of trust is steal time. The time I spend researching your raspberry ketones or your garcinia cambogia is time I could be researching valid exercise programs or planning my meals for the week. You rob me of my ability to think for myself. You fill my head with hope that has zero chance of being fulfilled. I am a smart woman, but I am still human, and oh, don’t you work that angle.

    Gross Moral Turpitude: conduct that is considered contrary to community standards of justice, honesty or good morals.

    When you were first offered that contract to push raspberry ketones and have your face plastered all over the internet, did you have a qualm of guilt? I’m genuinely curious. When you see your face all over Facebook “informing” us of the “latest wait loss brekthrough!!!!” [misspelling intentional] do you pause for a moment?

    You have broken every rule of good morals, and you actively hurt and dismiss the community you preach to so convincingly. For make no mistake-at this point you are less a doctor and more a preacher.

    In a country that has so many lawsuits, I'm not sure why you haven't been targeted yet, but I cheer the day. The harm you cause, is long lasting.

  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    As long as the audience keeps buying into the idea that there is an easy way to success, there will always be a seller.
    Of course, but some of them seemingly forget Hippokrates...
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Well said, OP. Congrats on your success.

  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    :drinker: I think he started off meaning well, and it's not like he personally needs the money, given that he's a highly successful surgeon. Nor is he stupid, obviously. But somehow his show has been hijacked and turned into a sideshow. Every once in awhile something interesting gets said, but it's drowned out by the sales pitch for the latest fad. It's sad, really.

    Highly successful surgeons make a few hundred thousand dollars a year, not the millions he is making now.

    Their point still stands as no one needs millions of dollars.
  • MzOnree
    MzOnree Posts: 124 Member
    Before Oz got his own TV show because of Oprah...I remember seeing him on Oprah. I didn't even like him then. Some sort of vibe I got and he rubbed me the wrong way. I guess I was right with my gut feeling. I always thought he looked like a closet smoker, lol! I never trusted the man...he has that look about my eyes. Thanks for posting this topic!
  • sapphirewind
    sapphirewind Posts: 55 Member
    Before Oz got his own TV show because of Oprah...I remember seeing him on Oprah. I didn't even like him then. Some sort of vibe I got and he rubbed me the wrong way. I guess I was right with my gut feeling. I always thought he looked like a closet smoker, lol! I never trusted the man...he has that look about my eyes. Thanks for posting this topic!

    What is a closet smoker?

    I wonder what would happen to someone who tried all his diets / pills one after another... their bodies would probably go into shock.
  • albloomfield60
    I think the problem is with all this stuff is it gives you hope, and then once you fail it makes you feel like you can't do this.

    I was honestly convinced that I couldn't lose weight on my own. I had given up even trying because I knew I'd fail and just end up gaining the weight back, and the yo-yoing wasn't doing me any good.

    I had decided to get surgery to lose the weight, but decided to give it one last try to lose the weight on my own before the surgery.

    I've got a goal of 227 to lose and I've lost 107. I know in my heart I'm going to reach that goal, there's no doubt in my mind.

    The thing is, how much time did I waist waiting on that "magic" pill, or trying the "snake oil" plans and failing, then convincing myself I couldn't actually do this on my own.

    Just get out there and do it, it can be done. You don't need a "magic" pill, you can do it all on your own.
  • AKNMHunt
    AKNMHunt Posts: 168 Member
    My grandma tells me all the different things Dr Oz recommends on his show. Not the weight loss stuff, but the vitamins, oils, foods, etc. And I always just respond nicely with "oh really? Interesting". I used to think he was legit, but the more I watched and read, the more I realized he's a phony.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Before Oz got his own TV show because of Oprah...I remember seeing him on Oprah. I didn't even like him then. Some sort of vibe I got and he rubbed me the wrong way. I guess I was right with my gut feeling. I always thought he looked like a closet smoker, lol! I never trusted the man...he has that look about my eyes. Thanks for posting this topic!

    What is a closet smoker?

    I wonder what would happen to someone who tried all his diets / pills one after another... their bodies would probably go into shock.

    There is nothing wrong with smoking in moderation. Willpower, people. Willpower and personal responsibility. Smoke one a day and walk away. *satire directed primarily at the sweets in moderation crowd, cause it's 3 am and I'm feeling snarky*
  • Gohomebay
    Gohomebay Posts: 116 Member
    This absolutely made my day! I am on the fence and considering never watching him again, but I am addicted to the pure crap he shovels out everyday, it's like a drug for me I can't get enough it's my entertainment, but it's getting to the point that I am starting to feel insane or angry or heck I don't know what. I watch in utter disbelief and sadness that millions bow down to his word. One week I thought I will keep a list of the supplements he recommended just for the 5 shows hubby and I had many hours of laughter reading the list.....I have even googled if there is an anti oz site, couldn't find one, if there is someone please share with me. Since really he is selling many people fake hope fake everything and that is disgusting. Ok I could write a novel on how much I can't stand the man. Dink a tablespoon of vinegar after a high carb meal everyone, guaranteed to burn 25% of your fat! but don't forget to drink 2 glasses of green tea and garlic before your meal as well, oh but make sure your meal is only five bites large......Oy Oy Oy
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    There's an old saying that goes, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." There are "Dr. Oz's" in almost every profession and there are those who get burnt several times and wise up and others who choose to believe the lie. When I lived in Dallas, Texas there was a TV evangelist who literally got caught ripping the people financially off, cheating on his wife, hitting his wife, divorcing his wife...........................people still showed up, people still sent in the checks, because he promised them if they would just send in $1,000 they would receive a healing or become rich or find love. He was one of those of my vocation that makes a laughing stock of the work we try to do. But the problem is, "So many want to believe the lie."

    Recently the college that employs me finally got rid of the president who has almost financially ruined our institution and is the cause for many employees to get laid off. The board of trustees and administration KNEW what he was doing, very intelligent and yet he was such a smooth talker that regardless of the financial records, they were fooled once more. Co-workers that personally were aware of his snake oil presentation would still be moved and with a tear because of the flattering words that proceeded out of his mouth. They sent him off with one dinner party after another and a nice bonus check if he would leave and the problem was, "So many want to believe the lie."

    It's in politics when the party leader can say anything, promise anything and do nothing and while some will smell a rat others faithfully heed the call because so many want to "believe the lie." I don't know how many spouses I've counseled that were just positive that he won't hit me again because "he promised he would change" or that she won't cheat on me again because "she promised she will change" and the problem is he/she just wanted to "believe the lie."

    If you really want to predict the future of a snake oil salesman, a politician or a person, his/her past history will be the best indicator unless you see an incredible positive and truthful change in the person. So when we get fooled once or several times, then yes, shame on the person, but if we continue to allow ourselves to be fooled, then some of the blame goes to me or us. I applaud the OP's letter but more than that, I would give her a standing ovation for seeing through the smoke and mirrors and taking charge and responsibility for her own life...............sorry for such a long post but this subject is very dear and personal to my heart.
  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
    Great post, OP! mean this ISN"T TRUE???? But it's in a magazine!


    What's sad is how many people will see this post and buy the magic potion. And the magazine.

    That's a 2 year old magazine; I doubt they'll find it. Plus anybody who reads this thread and is still stupid enough to fall for Oz's quackery deserves to waste their money on his snake oil. I've been suckered into some of these falsehoods before (acai and green tea but not due to Dr. Oz, just internet hype) and laugh at myself in disgust for being such an idiot. Live and learn. Or not.
  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    Plus anybody who reads this thread and is still stupid enough to fall for Oz's quackery deserves to waste their money on his snake oil. I've been suckered into some of these falsehoods before (acai and green tea but not due to Dr. Oz, just internet hype) and laugh at myself in disgust for being such an idiot. Live and learn. Or not.

    So you laugh at people who fell for the same thing you did? This isn't about what I or anyone else has or has not bought in the past. It's about an abuse of power and trust. And taking control of ourselves and what we allow to be shown.
  • mnashp
    mnashp Posts: 19 Member

    if you create a petition with this as a header, i'd be happy to sign!
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member