


  • amhafford
    amhafford Posts: 21 Member
    I have the fitbit flex and I LOVE it. Took a little while to get used to having it on my wrist all the time, but I literally take it off to do dishes and to shower and that's about it, now. It's a little bulky and I hope they make more bands soon, but honestly it isn't that bad.
    I have never been so motivated to keep moving! It's nice to have something that is constantly reminding you to get off your butt and move around.. and it's always exciting when you reach goals /get badges. :)
  • Rocky791
    Rocky791 Posts: 52 Member
    I ordered the Fitbit Zip from amazon and am waiting for it to arrive - should be early next week. I also ordered a food scale that should arrive at the end of next week. Looking forward to seeing better results by using both!
  • Nedra19455
    Nedra19455 Posts: 241 Member
    I got mine about 5 weeks ago. I saw that it synced with MFP and thought "why not?" And signed up for that too. I've lost 10 lbs in 5 weeks using the two together. It's amazing how well they work together. I feel like my metabolism is well-regulated -- on days when I am more active, I can eat more because my exercise calories are automatically provided to my MFP account. On days when I am not as active, I feel pretty much the same, since I just eat less because I don't need as much those days.

    My husband just got his yesterday and he's already pretty addicted. He is a little disturbed, actually, that in less than 24 hours he's already a total step-geek.

    We both have Fitbit Ones. I think they are the best of all worlds. I LOVE seeing how many flights of stairs I climb and the flexibility with how/where I wear it. And the silent alarm clock is really useful!
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I got the flex because it can be worn in water and I do water aerobics 3x a week. I really love it and can't wait for the time in the day when it vibrates and all kinds of flashy lights go off to tell me I reached my goal for the day. I only take mine off once a week when I charge it. I also like the sleep mode part of it.
  • fatalis_vox
    fatalis_vox Posts: 106 Member
    I've had a FitBit One for about a year and a half. When I decided I wanted to get an activity tracker, I did a LOT of research into them, reading user reviews and scientific comparisons (Where people would wear the gadgets and do the same thing to see where the differences were) and the One came out right in the middle of the road between what the Jawbone up and the Nike-whatever-it-is tracked. Now I'm not saying that that necessarily makes it more accurate, but it DOES mean that it's likely the best option, because assuming none of them track perfectly, I'd rather go for the middle-of-the-road and either be a little up or a little down, as opposed to possibly way up or way down.

    I love this little thing. I stopped using it for a good while when I just stopped taking care of myself, but when I -want- to take care of myself, it works so well. I find myself -wanting- to get those badges and -wanting- to meet those goals. It syncs with MFP, which is nice because I like MFP's calorie-tracking interface better, but I like everything else about the FB better. (I use the FB calorie goals, which seem to adjust better based on how much activity I've done that day) and doesn't yell OMG YOU'RE GOING TO DIE at me on more sedentary days when I don't get to 1200 calories.

    I've never had any issues losing it or throwing it into the wash. I keep it on my belt on my uniform, then I just clip it to a pocket or waistband of my jeans or workout clothes, then leave it on my nightstand overnight. I love the silent alarm feature.

    I've considered upgrading to one of the newer models, but I don't much care for wristbands (Sweat + wristband = chafing, and they're a lot harder to hide when I'm wearing a fancy dress out for a night on the town or a classy date. The one I can clip to my bra and it's very nearly invisible. As long as I'm not wearing anything too low cut. If the dress is too low cut, sometimes I'll clip it to the band of my underwear, because skirts can hide things as long as they aren't too clingy.)

    So there's my input.
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    I've got the Fitbit One and really find it helpful.

    I set challenging but reasonable & achievable goals every week. I started out with strolling around the neighborhood and progressed to power walking without even thinking about it. The more I did the more I knew I could do and I found myself doing more. Very cool. I do my Fitbit walking in addition to weight training & other cardio.

    I never really considered any bracelet ones because having a tracker that does not show is a must for me. I wear mine facing the inside of my bra (fastened in the center or close to it depending on bra style).
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    I started with the Flex (july 2013) loved it and realized how little I actually moved. Started walking and haven't stopped yet :bigsmile:
    I wanted more than just those lights on the band and I got the now recalled Force (nov 2013), and was in :heart: until yesterday when I realized it died ovenite :brokenheart: so it's going back for a refund :sad:
    I'm back to my Flex

    Fitbit does connect with a few websites that will give you discounts, incentives, cash rewards & your "calories burned" can feed others :flowerforyou:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Easily worth the $100 (assuming you won't be taking food off the table or losing your electric for it). I have had the One for over a year now and love it.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I have fitbit one. I don't like bracelets, or wearing watches, so I figured flex would be annoying for me to try and wear everyday. I clip it to my bra and wear all day everyday. I love the fitbit website and looking at the graphs and getting new badges. I love that it syncs with MFP and automatically logs my calories burned for me. I just absolutely love it!!! You will too if you decide to get any of the fibit trackers
  • theoncomingstorm6464
    theoncomingstorm6464 Posts: 116 Member
    I have a One and love it. Never leave home without it. I don't like bracelets so I like clipping the One to he inside of my pocket.
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    I have a Fitbit Force (sadly, taken off the market, but they won't get it off my wrist!) after having a Fitbit One. I find the bracelet much, much more convenient than the small clip attached to my bra, because I was always having to compromise on where it was, depending on the bra's design.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    I have the Flex because I'm really bad at remembering to clip anything on, so the bracelet works the best for me. Help me realize how sedentary I was outside of my workouts, this is the best $100 I've spent, well next to my digital scale :flowerforyou:
  • GeordieGirl80s
    GeordieGirl80s Posts: 120 Member
    I brought a FitBit One in October 2013, I love it............... but it does mis-count how far I have walked (but I have started using MapMyFitness as well so distances are logged by that using GPS on my phone).
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    I brought a FitBit One in October 2013, I love it............... but it does mis-count how far I have walked (but I have started using MapMyFitness as well so distances are logged by that using GPS on my phone).

    Did you try adjusting the stride length in Fitbit settings? There is info on how to do that.

    I have not adjusted the stride yet but I know I need to for better accuracy. I'm sure my steps & distance are off because Fitbit uses height to determine stride. I'm short-waisted & that means my legs are longer than the average person my height. I also have a longer stride & tend to walk faster w/o trying.

    But, even though they are a bit off, it is all good and motivating. That is what is important to me.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I've had two FitBits. A much-loved Ultra (The old version of the One) that I eventually killed by accident and now a Zip. They're great tools and serve to give a baseline fitness level for you. Mine have been hugely helpful to me!
  • auntnaenae
    auntnaenae Posts: 2
    I do not currently have one--soon though. A friend of mine has one and absolutely loves it.