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I'm fat and Pregnant! Anyone else out there?

nmn2 Posts: 123 Member
Hi! I've been doing mfp for a little over a year now. I have not been very successful in my efforts which is my fault I suppose! I am still here however and want to keep trying to be more healthy. I am so much more active than I was before and I feel really good and I can do a lot but I'm pretty much the same size as when I started. I just found out we are expecting our 3rd child! YAY! No I don't plan on dieting while I'm pregnant I am happy to gain what my baby needs but only what he/she needs. I want to keep myself in check and not go overboard! I gained about 30 pounds on my previous 2 kids and I think that may be too much this time because I'm about 20 pounds heavier.

I haven't been to the doc yet (i have an appt next week) but I predict she's going to tell me I'm obese and shouldn't gain much weight. I am 30 years old 5'7" and currently 210 lbs :( I'm in a size 14/16 and to be truthful I would like to be a size or so smaller but I really don't think I'm that fat! Definitely not OBESE but that pesky BMI does put me in that stupid category!

My point is I would love to add some new friends who are pregnant too! The extra support would be great! If you're out there send me a request! Or if you've been pregnant and overweight in the past I would also love to be your friend and hear any advice you may have for me.


  • feedmedonuts
    feedmedonuts Posts: 241 Member
    Hi there! I haven't been to the doc yet either (initial appt on the 12th) so I don't want to get myself too hyped up as it's still quite early, but 4 at home pregnancy tests, 1 blood test, a missed cycle, & a whole lot of nausea/vomiting indicate I'm preggers too ;) If I had to guess and based upon online calculators 6 weeks+ but I guess the doc will be able to tell me more.

    I have been very active for the last 8yrs+ and this is the ONLY thing that has ever caused me to slow down to almost nothing! I'm slowly getting there but at most can only muster a walking incline or a recumbent bike at the moment....nausea and fatigue have gotten the best of me!

    Anyways, I am 5'5" and pre-pregnancy 150lbs, not too far off the bandwagon but still overweight and I was struggling to lose 10-20lbs until now. It will have to wait, but unfortunately the morning sickness has me down a fluctuating 3-5lbs.

    I'd love to add another preggy fitness friend, this experience is new to me and I have never felt so lousy.....and lazy :P But I'm feeling determined to have an active and healthy pregnancy!
  • PhoenixRising7
    PhoenixRising7 Posts: 194 Member
    I am 24 weeks pregnant with my second child. I was about 12 pounds from my goal when we found out we were expecting, so I am trying to keep my gain in check. I'd love to have more support and to support you! :)
  • saracantthink
    saracantthink Posts: 49 Member
    Hi! Fat and pregnant describes me perfectly!! I am 29 weeks along, and having trouble not gaining a ton. When I found out I was pregnant I was 176 lbs and I am 5'4. This is my second baby, I gained 60 lbs with the first and was not able to shake the weight before this baby was conceived. I am starting to swell and hold water, which makes it even harder to control my weight which is currently 206 lbs. I gained four pounds over night, and I am sure I will hear about it at my next doctors appt. I will be sending out friend requests, and always enjoy having prego friends on here. Good luck everyone!!
  • buttrfli322
    buttrfli322 Posts: 25 Member
    Hello I am 32, 19wks pregnant at 197lbs. I am really trying not to gain as much weight as I did with my first two pregnancies. This is a bit of a suprise pregnancy as our daughter will be 10mths on the 18th. I would love to keep up with you all throughout my pregnancy and yours.
  • SunnyLu3
    SunnyLu3 Posts: 41
    Add me if you would like. I am 10 weeks now and I lost about 20 lbs before finding out I was expecting and then gained some back almost immediately because I was constantly craving carbs and sugar, was too nauseated to eat anything else, too tired to exercise, and didn't keep myself in check :-S
    So I was 205 @ 5'5" last time I weighed. My OB didn't even mention it and I didn't think to bring it up as a concern, but I will likely bring up my concerns about gaining too much at the next appointment. I am just using MFP to log workouts as motivation right now, and I may start tracking food in a few weeks when I can (from what I've been told by other moms) eat like a normal human being again (fingers crossed). Although i'm completely confused about how much I'm supposed to be eating right now.
  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    Just found out I am 5 weeks with my 4th!! I was 210 at the end of my pregnancy with my 3rd and I have gotten down to 180 since then (Feb. 2014) Nausea is really kicking in at night and I am having trouble eating my dinner :( This time I will eat healthy and continue to exercise as I have been for the past few months. Feel free to add me if you would like :)
  • Hello.

    I started Slimming World alongside MFP in January this year. Lost a whopping 7.5 pounds in my first week and then continued to lose 1-2 pounds over the next few weeks. That stopped approximately 12 weeks ago and I have gained ever since. You probably guessed it, I am 12 weeks pregnant! I have struggled to eat the right foods and the meals that I have been putting in front of me and hubby are far from nutritious. I am now 200 pounds, just 1.5 pounds away from where I was back in January and I really don't want to keep gaining. I know I can't stop the baby growing, but this is my first pregnancy and I'm still not 100% of the do's and don't's. I'd like to be optimistic and say that by eating the right things and swimming once or twice a week I can lose my excess weight while gaining the baby's weight but I doubt it works that way. I am supposed to be a bridesmaid in July, and although the bride knows about the pregnancy and is over the moon we are both very worried that the dress won't fit. I tried it on when I was 6 weeks and a friend could get her arm inside the dress alongside me so we were positive that I had a fair few inches to grow. It is only fitted around the waist and has plenty of room for my boobs to grow and for my bump to form but it is the waist which will cause me problems. My rambling can probably confirm my anxiety - although the tape measure says my waist is currently the same as it was before the weight gain started 12 weeks ago the dress does seem a lot tighter already and I'm no longer confident that when July comes I will fit in the beautiful dress and will therefore have to let my friend, and everyone else, down.

    Any tips for healthy weight loss during pregnancy? I am 5 foot 4, weighing 200 pounds and therefore obese.

    Thanks, Claire
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member

    I am not pregnant, but I am obese. :drinker:
  • mrsswitzer
    mrsswitzer Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Going to the first appointment June 11h. guessing I'm around 5 weeks with my first. I just want to make sure I'm not eating junk all the time. and I wanted an app that would help me track water, vitamins, etc. I've been on my fitness pal in the past and really liked the set up.
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    When I was pregnant with my son, I was overweight and was like 270 the day I had him....I really wish I had done better and used this site. (Didn't know of it at the time.) I ate too much crap, the whole "Feeding 2" and eating way more than I should have. Thankfully he was and is healthy, but it was not so great for me and I had various issues that I am sure my eating habits had a hand in. Just do the best you can and there are plenty of women who use MFP while pregnant. Good luck and congrats on your pregnancy!! :)
  • rhoule76
    rhoule76 Posts: 217 Member
    I had been exercising regularly, training for a 5K and doing light weights when I found out in February that I was pregnant with baby #2. I've been to the doctor and was told I should gain more than 15-20lbs (I'm at 214lbs now, was at 208 when I found out I was pregnant). I'm not trying to lose weight while pregnant, I actually changed my goal to maintaining. So far, so good. I had only gained 17lbs with my first, so I'm trying to keep that as my pregnancy gain goal. Don't stress out too much about gaining weight, the baby needs some weight gain on your part.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Me too! Had success after 2nd baby who is now 3 on MFP...lost 65lbs....but still 35lb from goal.....then boom....pregnant with 3rd!! I am 5'6 1/2 36 yr old SAHM...due mid-end of Nov.....so I am 12 wks. I am over 200lbs.....gained 10lbs in 3 months so far- ahhhh! I gained 45lbs with my other 2 pregnancies and don't want to go that route! I am also in a size 13/14 was a size 12.....no more! I never made in under 200lbs...down to 202lbs was my smallest but I carry it well. I LOG EVERYDAY SO I DONT GET FATTER with this baby! Friend me for support!
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    I was working on losing the last 15-20 lbs from my previous baby when surprise I found out I am pregnant with our 3rd. We are very happy but I had hoped to be a little more in shape first. I gained 40-50 lbs with my first 2 basically from eating however I felt. I am logging my food and ensuring I get some exercise each day this time.
  • I am also pregnant. 6 weeds 5 days. I lost about 35 pounds last year before I met my husband, then put some of it back on, now we're expecting. My goals are to stay healthy during this pregnancy. I'm ok with gaining, because I know I can loose it again. Gotta keep that baby safe! Please add me.