Full time mom, housewife, and student

mmonica Posts: 32 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! Everyone,
Im really motivated to loose weight! Im the kind of person that starts a diet and never finishes it! So I hope this one really works. I want to loose around 15 lbs. I also started taking Herbalife, so I'm really excited! Please feel free to add me as a friend! Thanks! :bigsmile:


  • AmyW4225
    AmyW4225 Posts: 302 Member
    Welcome! I am a full time mom, housewife, and full time nursing student. Stay within your calories and try to get some exercise and it'll just fall off. You don't need any kind of weightloss products. Good luck to you! You CAN do it!! :flowerforyou:
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member

    Welcome to MFP and hope you do great.
  • mmonica
    mmonica Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks! I'm actually doing the Herbalife 21 day cleansing. Just to help me more on my weight loss mission. I'm so excited :bigsmile: :drinker:
  • I am also a full time mom, housewife and a part time student :D I need to lose 20lbs. :)
  • hagan8123
    hagan8123 Posts: 17
    Thanks! I'm actually doing the Herbalife 21 day cleansing. Just to help me more on my weight loss mission. I'm so excited :bigsmile: :drinker:

    How did the 21 day cleanse work for you? I have been using Herbalife for about 3 weeks :drinker: , and am thinking about doing the cleanse.
  • Beefyg
    Beefyg Posts: 27
    Hi! I am a fulltime mom, fulltime student and work fulltime. I feel your pain. I get up each morning before anyone is awake and get my workouts in. I do 60 minutes a day all week and on the weekends I try and do fun family activities like biking or hiking. I have been consistently working out for about a year now and have not seen any weight come off. I recently started "eating clean" and started to FINALLY lose some weight. It can get frustrating but we need to keep on going for our children, and most important OURSELVES!!! You can do it. This site is full of good stuff! :wink:

    Good Luck!
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