take away! :D

I'm seeing some friends tonight, for a catch up and a take away.

Don't know what kind yet, but it'll proberly be indian food or chinese food!

What are the lowest calorie things I can eat from both cuisines?

lots of exercise before hand me thinks :)


  • Julezebub
    Julezebub Posts: 106
    With chinese most of the calories are in the egg fried rice/noodles stick to boiled rice and you'll save yourself lots of calories. Chinese has loads of sodium which will mean you'll have to drink loads of water and stay away from the scales for a couple of days or it'll look like you've put on a few pounds! With indian thay use a lot of ghee and other fats so I think that would do the most real damage.

    Either way though you need treats like this every now or then or lifes not worth living. Enjoy!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Also with chinese, stay away from the breaded/deep fried choices and heavy sauces. I went out the other night and opted for a chop suey dish (with bean sprouts, veggies and meat) and a chicken vegetable stir fry with almonds. If you have to have rice, stick with steamed instead of fried.

    Don't know much about the indian cuisine so good luck.
  • dj_stevie_c
    things w/Mushrooms or 'in black bean sauce'

    High sodium but not too bad calorie wise.

    Tomato based sauces are usually the lowest unless you go for the dry tikka.

    As said above stick to the boiled rice!
  • diverdi
    diverdi Posts: 64 Member
    We had takeaway curry last week and I had chicken shaslick, form teh starter menu but availble as a main course. It was chicken that had been marinated in tikka spices, then grilled on with onion and pepper. I then had a tiny amount of boiled rice and naan, and managed to resist the poppadums! Not perfect by any means but seemed the best of a bad bunch.
    Chinese saty away from all the deep fried starters, most weight loss clubs say go for the chow mein.
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    With indian go for chicken tandori, it's dry and has no sauce, plain rice. you could get a small pot of sauce to dip into and stay away from the nann bread

    And Enjoy :o)
  • kayleigh333
    I think chicken chow mein is the best option from the chinese, and because it's a noodle dish you don't really need rice with it, you can just have it on its own. Don't worry about it too much though, as long as you're back on track afterwards you should let yourself have the odd cheat meal, I do and it hasn't stopped me!
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I read somewhere that you should go for something like Madras or chilli chicken in an Indian restaurant, and stay away from the naan, sag aloo and Chicken Tikka Massala. Not really sure how they get so many calories and fat into that dish. As everyone else said, tandoori chicken is probably a good bet. If you have chinese, do a chicken stir fry with lots of veggies, or even a plain veggie stir fry with white rice. I am sure I don't have to tell you this, but do stay away from the samosas and egg rolls, and everything else deep fried.
  • sallyLunn
    sallyLunn Posts: 381
    When I go for Chinese food with the family, we get a stir fried vegetable dish to go with whatever else the family wants. (not always that healthy, the other thing) That way, I just have a tiny bit of the bad dish and load my plate down with the veggies and a bit of white rice.

    It really is the sodium that will get you afterwards, though.