Help! Healthy eating plan/schedule with family

:flowerforyou: I am in need of a healthy eating plan/schedule for myself and my family. I started going to the gym early morning before work. I leave the house at about 5am. Should I eat before I work out? What should I eat early in the day since when I get home I have to make a dinner the whole family will eat? Any suggestions that have worked for you in the past are appreciated!! Thanks!!


  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I personally like to eat after I've worked out (put some of that protein/carbs back in my system), so maybe you can pack peanutbutter and bread (either make a li'l sandwich or toast it at work?) or some greek yogurt (honey=awesome). Also for your family, you are getting into the time of year where you can play around with healthy crock pot recipies- you can have it set to go in the morning and plan the rest of your day around that. I don't cook for a family but my bf and i have polar opposite tastes in veggies- so I just make something plain (typically chicken and rice or pasta) and sautee whatever veggies I want on the side. Maybe you can do something like that?
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    It's good practice to eat an hour or so before you workout, but if you are already getting up super early that may be difficult. Try to have something before hand - even if it's just a banana - and then a full breakfast afterward including a good amount of protein to help your muscles recover. If you ever feel light headed or dizzy while you're exercising, stop immediately. It's because your body needs fuel! Make sure you're also getting enough water - before, during and after workouts.

    As for meal planning... It really depends on the dynamics of your family and what sort of meals you guys typically eat. Meggonkgonk's crock pot suggestion is dead on for a working family - so easy and virtually endless options. Chilis, soups, any kind of meat slow-cooked, casseroles, you name it. The crock pot is your friend. And since there is no direct heat onto your food, sticking is minimal and less fat can be used to cook. Its win-win. Kids will also rarely notice vegetables that have been stewing for hours and hours in some kind of delicious sauce. In addition to this, try making a big salad at the beginning of the week and keep it in the fridge. Having it prepared already makes it MUCH easier to make healthy choices. Same with cleaned + trimmed veggies. Try to keep them stocked if you can so that when you feel like a snack you can just grab a handful. These are great for packing quick lunches for yourself, as well.

    Good luck! There are loads of great family-friendly recipe ideas in the forums. Check it out and enjoy :)