Dance Dance Dance

Hiya Everyone

I am pretty new on here and I am gearing up to lose about 15kg. However, my focus is on keeping fit and arriving at my fifties - in five year's time - fighting fit, smiling and energised.

I am currently looking at gyms and other ways to exercise. I have bought a pedometer as I intend to walk, walk, walk the streets. Gyms are fine but boy can they be quite snorville zzzzzzzzzzz at times.

I have just enrolled at a dance academy for beginners and commence November.

My question is, has anyone particiapted in dance classes and if so have they found it intsrumental in losing KGs?

Have a great day


  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
  • lkm111
    lkm111 Posts: 629 Member
    I have not gone to dance classes, but I have the Zumba DVDs and have done them regularly since July. I've lost 3 sizes. I think dancing will be great (and fun!) exercise for you.
  • Hotbottom
    Hotbottom Posts: 168 Member
    I tired dance casses here in Hong Kong, but everyone took them so seriously here: I found them an offput. I've just discovered beach body Dvds. they are great fun and dancy and you can do what you want to them if the moves are too hard in the beginning. I find them a lot of fun and I've lost and changed shape with them and its only been 4 weeks!!!
  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Participating in an activity that you love is key. If you love dance, then that will lead to your success. I only participate in activities that I love because I refuse to be bored or dread working out.

    I personally LOVE dance and it is a HUGE part of my exercise regimen. I also love to walk, ride my bike, roller skate, ice skate...

    Do what you love and love what you do, the it won't be 'work'.
