need post-op advice!!

hi everyone. this afternoon i am getting my tubes tied and 2 cysts removed. it is just outpatient surgery, but the dr says i can't do any physical activity for at least 48 hours. i am in a biggest loser competition, and am worried i will gain this week with not activity for 2 days!! i have worked out quite a bit monday and tuesday and really watched what i ate, and will do a light work out this morning. (i can't eat or drink and don't want to risk dehydrating so i will walk 2mph for 20 mins or so) but i can't really do anything til friday evening! any advice?? thanks!


  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    Well my biggest advice is to not push it. Just rest and recover. Just because it is only a outpatient procedure doesn't mean you won't need to recover. And don't freak out about a weight gain for a few days. I gained 5 pounds from IV fluids but it was gone by my next weigh in. I used to push myself in the past and always ended up with incisions that got infected or opened up. I have unfortunately had to have several surgeries so believe me, rest and take care of yourself. Be good to your body and it will thank you.
  • springbreeze72
    My advice is let yourself heal. You are not going to do yourself any good if you hurt yourself or put yourself in danger if you don't allow the proper time to heal. I know how you feel. I understand it. I get that way too but your health is more important right now than a contest. You will get to your goal - with or without the competition. Please, take the time to heal and give yourself that much permission to do so. Good luck!!!:flowerforyou:
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Just focus on healing =) If you do gain weight, most likely it'll just be water weight from the IV.

    The only operation I had are c-sections and we have to wait 6 weeks to do any physical activities - we can't even drive for the for the first few weeks. The only thing we can carry is the baby lol.