Do You Make a Fitness Schedule? Advice..

Does it help you if you make a schedule? I'm thinking about making a workout schedule. Here are my thoughts.
If it's on paper, I'll more than likely DO IT. Now I just say awwww I don't feel like it and I didn't plan anything so......... I don't do anything.

But here is my con........... if one evening I don't do what is on my schedule, will I feel like a failure? There are little tasks that I don't complete everyday and I feel bad for............ will this be one of those?

If I do it... How many days to I schedule? What types of workouts? Different 3 days a week, same thing 2 days a week? I don't know. Advice would be GREAT.


  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I used to be that way, but then one day I thought to myself, "If you don't exercise today, you will regret it. If you DO exercise today, you won't."

    So, I did it. And I had that conversation with myself every day after until I didn't need to anymore. Then I joined an online challenge to exercise a minimum of 30 minutes a day for 30 days. The woman who ran it had everyone send money for keychains and magnets that were the "prize" showing we'd completed the challenge. If you missed a day, you lost the challenge and the money went to charity.

    I completed that challenge and it was enough to make exercise a habit, so now I'm very good at getting it in.

    If I have the time, I do it. I know that even if I'm tired, once I start, I won't be tired anymore. And if I set a minimum goal, I almost always surpass it because once I start, I just keep going.

    You just need to figure out what it is that will motivate you and keep you on track. Maybe for you, that's a schedule.
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    I write mine down... I work out at the gym 5 days a week (different muscle group each day). I get up at 430am to get to the gym, so it's imparative that I write things down the night before, get my stuff ready etc...

    Writing it down only takes like 5 minutes... If you can't find 5 minutes to do this - you may be sabotaging yourself. In my opinion, when you REALLY want to do something, you just do it. You don't question, you don't NOT make time for it. Schedule your workout/meal planning in your day each day... I think it's time to reflect on your goals and what's coming next.

    Also, I love writing my workout as when I look back 2 months ago and compare it with what I lift now, I'm like "WOW!" what an improvement. We sometimes tend to forget where we started and not give ourselves the pat on the back that we so do deserve for our hard work and dedication.

    EDIT: Sometimes I don't do what I have on my schedule. I listen to my body and ask myself "what's important here today, that I do SOMETHING, or do nothing"... The Something always works. Plus, I came from a 12week bedrest, where I couldn't do anything and for me to have that limit was HELL. So anytime I even have a tiny thought of NOT doing ANYTHING, I think back of how awfull I felt when in fact I wasn't allowed to physically do anything. It's important to APPRECIATE what we can do!! Some people don't have our luxury of movement and being active!

    As far as workouts, you may want to consult Body For Life For Women. Not sure what your goal is, but it's a good base for working out and it's a maximum 45 minute workout three days a week that's quite flexible in the types of exercise with the alternate days being cardio. There's an online version as well.
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    I never did a schedule really but right now I am doing Chalean Extreme and it comes with a schedule. I am following it and it makes me more accountable to get my workout in. I think it is really helpful and really makes you find time in your schedule to fit your workout in. If it is a day where the workout is really long and I don't have time for a long one I will swap days. Hope that helps!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    I have the time to write it down......... worried I don't have the time to do it. The only time I have is at 8-8:30 at night after my kids go to bed. Then when I exercise I get so wired and wide awake. BUT I KNOW I HAVE TO WORK OUT. I have to do this.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Well, I do Beachbody programs, obviously. Lol, but they come with schedules. I put it right on the fridge!
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    I am in the same boat girl! I just try to do something everyday. I know if I made a strict schedule I'd never be able to keep it. 3 kids make scheduling very difficult with anything I do! Today for example I should be getting ready to go to a funeral, instead I am home with a sick one. I would rather be able to feel good about what I do fit in rather than be disappointed 'cause I know if I did a "schedule" I'd probably be unrealistic and it wouldn't happen. You're doing great at any rate! If you do make a schedule, don't be too hard on yourself. :)
  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    When I was in college, I did a super-relaxed schedule. I printed out a blank calendar of the month and say, I am going to work out X times this week (3-4 for me usually). On a day I workout, I put a big CHECK MARK on the calendar day, if I don't, I put an big EX and then I have to try to reach my goal for the week, but it doesn't restrict me to certain days of doing certain things. It's one way to start at least! If you are down a workout one day, make it up the next week!

    At the end of the month, it's good to look at your calendar and see how many check marks you have!! :)
  • TheNewJessieMae
    I am in the same boat girl! I just try to do something everyday. I know if I made a strict schedule I'd never be able to keep it. 3 kids make scheduling very difficult with anything I do! Today for example I should be getting ready to go to a funeral, instead I am home with a sick one. I would rather be able to feel good about what I do fit in rather than be disappointed 'cause I know if I did a "schedule" I'd probably be unrealistic and it wouldn't happen. You're doing great at any rate! If you do make a schedule, don't be too hard on yourself. :)

    This is my plan......... My husband has always been an excellent help when it comes to the kids, cooking and cleaning. He's a contractor and on a job right now that is keeping him over at work and stressed so he isn't getting the opportuntiy to help as much.
    MY HOUSE IS GETTING AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!! Looks like a tornado hit it!!!! I hate to say it but I've always been the type to lay on my hiney. Sat last night while he did 3 loads of laundry........ That's ridiculous, but HEY I'm admitting to it.. I'm spoiled.

    My schedule is going to consist of daily household chores as well as exercise 3x a week.
    This way I am being healthy and productive at the same time and cleaning also equals calories burned. LA LA LA LA LLA LA LA the answer is at my finger tips!!!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i have a is written in my calendar and if i have to deviate from it then i make it up another day if i can...
    right now this is my schedule and it is pretty much what i do every week...
    sunday - 7am beach walk/run
    monday - run after work - hubby picks up the kids
    tuesday - treadmill after kids go to bed or rest day
    wednesday - run after work - hubby picks up the kids
    thursday - 2 hr gym session - 1hr elliptical/1hr wts - grandparents pick up the kids
    friday - swim with the kids or rest day
    saturday - group power class at the gym (kids to play room)

    at this point i know i can get in a full 5 days for sure and if i get in an "extra" 1-2 golden......
    you have to commit to the exercise as an appointment you have to keep....for me they go hand in hand....if i work out hard and burn the calories i burn i dont want to throw the day away and eat like crap......

    good luck making out your schedule....just do it for 2 weeks and see where it takes you...
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    When I was in college, I did a super-relaxed schedule. I printed out a blank calendar of the month and say, I am going to work out X times this week (3-4 for me usually). On a day I workout, I put a big CHECK MARK on the calendar day, if I don't, I put an big EX and then I have to try to reach my goal for the week, but it doesn't restrict me to certain days of doing certain things. It's one way to start at least! If you are down a workout one day, make it up the next week!

    At the end of the month, it's good to look at your calendar and see how many check marks you have!! :)

    besides having the exercise in my phone/calendar i also mark off the workouts on a calendar on my fridge....i like to challenge myself each month to have the same or more than the month before.....last month i worked out 19 days - so this month i'm really trying to get to 20+....i think i'm up to 14 so far this month...