
spm2010 Posts: 197 Member
I have been drinking about 3-5litres of water a day (outside in hot weather a lot so that makes me drink more) My issue is I feel like a walking swimming pool lol. I feel bloated and huge and I am not sure if that is whats causing it and if so when will I lose all the water weight, TIA


  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Seems like an excessive amount of water to me.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Go by urine color - if it's light/pale yellow, you're good. Dark yellow, need more water - clear, you can cut back.
  • melissa_tn
    melissa_tn Posts: 37
    I drink anywhere from 80 oz to a gallon a day. Sometimes, like you, I feel bloated, other days I'm fine. Sometimes seems to be related to how fast I drink and others maybe just a combo of foods that have caused bloating... You can adjust the amount and see if you can tell a difference.
  • tracya04
    tracya04 Posts: 15
    I believe women should drink on average 1.6 litres of fluid a day, this does include tea, coffee, milk, juice and water. If the weather is hot or you are exercising then you will need more but 3 litres sounds excessive.
  • jenversuslife
    jenversuslife Posts: 57 Member
    How is your sodium intake as this can encourage your body to hold onto water?