obese ED person in recovery with PCOS/Fibro

I should weigh about 200-160lbs at my height of 5'9 .I am/was an obese person all my life and my ED plagues me till this day. I was 235 and went down to eating 400-800ish calories and it 'dropped to 191' but hit a wall and couldn't get any lower.

I am a vegan by choice and I realize this can paint me into a corner, but I'm trying to maintain it for ethical reasons. I want to find alternatives if they are out there. I've done a lot of research and I'm always open to learn more.

I have a lot of medical issues (PCOS/FIbrio) and and I've been told by a Dr I have to eat more. I think I've been starving myself for all these years and always looked fat and realizing now I eat like an 'light' weight anorexic.. I'm up to 1100-1300 calories on average and in the past two weeks I've put on about 4-5lbs of weight (2lb fat, 2lb muscle but I understand that it has to do with more bloating which is normal for a person in recovery. At least I'm jiggly so I hope it's just that.

I'd like to know if anyone has gone through this particular combination of issues and went through the recovery stage of teaching your body that it doesn't need to starve.

I feel I'm well informed about my issues but there and I'm hoping that missing something that will ease my mind about the process. I'm not an attention seeker but I would appreciate someone who can understand.

I've written a personal blog post of all my issues if you are interested.