Low Carb and Low Fat?

Hi, I am new to this site and wondering if anyone does a combination lc and lf diet? Is there such a plan out there that I can follow? My name is Donna from MA and I am 62 years old.

Thanks for any feedback


  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I'm not normally one for fad diets, but I did try an almost all-protein diet about a year ago (I don't know what came over me, it was idiotic). Basically, it was what you're talking about, low carb and low fat.

    I passed out on the second day.

    Your body needs ALL nutrients. It can handle having some more than others, but in general, it needs moderation.

    You don't need to do any special diet to lose weight. Anyone here on MFP can tell you that. Eat a mostly healthy, BALANCED diet, exercise (even if that's just a walk around the block), track your progress with MFP, and you'll do great :smile: Please don't try anything else, it's just silly. Take it from me :wink:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    is there a reason you want to try low carb/low fat?

    ETA - usually people that do low carb they go high fat so that they feel more satiated….
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,371 Member
    Low carb and high fat is preferable over low carb and low fat.
  • crissi725
    crissi725 Posts: 82
    Hi Donna! Are you trying to just eat better or are you trying to lose/maintain/gain weight?

    Generally, low carb and low fat are just silly. Moderation and portion control are more important. Low carb is unnecessary unless you need watch your blood sugar or you are eating more "white bread" type products than you should. And a low fat label usually means added sugar.

    My suggestion is to only shop in the perimeter of your grocery store and learn a few fresh ingredient recipes and learn how to find nutritional information online or in a good book----this will help you track your calories here on my fitness pal. Try to stay away from the aisles, the home of processed food. ( I must admit though, I LOVE shake and bake!)

    If you decide to get an occasional quick frozen dinner, Luvo and Lyfe Kitchen make lower sodium, whole food, less processed meals. They are a tad expensive for that reason but again, they should be occasional. Try to stick to whole grain breads and pastas. Not too much rice, not too much starchy veggies. But you don't have to give them up! I love rice and mashed potatoes! Just watch your calorie intake and give yourself a break a day out the week. Have a bit of chocolate or a small 8oz can of soda one day. Let your self have a good French/Italian recipe every now and then! Food is amazing and we've made too many wonderful recipes to not enjoy them! I lose 1.5-2 lbs a week and I still enjoy full fat cheese, yogurt and butter. But I keep a close eye on how many calories this adds to my day. And try healthy fats like olive oil and nuts. And mmmmmm, peanut butter! Its good for your body function to eat as cleanly as possible but a calorie is a calorie is a calorie. Moderation and attention are key.

    If you still want to eat smaller amounts of fat, then sticking to whole, unprocessed foods is a great way to start. If you still want less carbs, then try to fill up on fresh veggies instead of bread, rice and pasta. But its not necessary to abandon them all together.

    If you need to follow a special diet due to a doctor's advice, speak with her/him. Otherwise, there isn't a reason to go on a specific type of fad diet. If you are able, you can also talk to a nutritionist in your area.

    Good luck and welcome!!