Feeling guilty for cheating!



  • raintail8
    raintail8 Posts: 18
    It's okay :). I know it's so, so hard. I am new here too. Just keep doing your best; and I know that you can make it.
  • bonniemcdowell75
    bonniemcdowell75 Posts: 2 Member
    You know we all have bad days. I am new here. But keeping the goal in site helps me. I am having a hard time staying within my calories. Seems like every other day we go to a favorite place to eat. And of course you already know what you like there. So on & on we go. But I do try to walk extra on those days. If you could do some form of exercise for 30 minutes on the cheat day that would help. Not only with getting rid of the extra calories but it would help you forgive yourself. Chin up & carry on. Just remember. IF YOU AIM FOR THE MOON AND FAIL, YOU'll STILL BE AMONG THE STARS!!!!!!!!!!
  • DivineChoices
    DivineChoices Posts: 193 Member
    I don't like using the words: cheat, diet, or cannot to describe what foods gobble down. For me, there is no CHEAT because nothing is off limits. If I eat unhealthily, I try to find a way for it to fit in my calories for that day. If I cannot make it fit and I go over, OK. It's not the end of the world. I put a note in my entry for the day owning up to going over. NO EXCUSES. Just acknowledging what happened, so I can learn from it.

    Only a couple days into my journey here, I went over my goal by over 1000 calories! But it didn't stop me from staying on track, and it shouldn't stop you. This morning I had 3 slices of pizza! I thought for sure I was doomed to go over today. So I told myself I would fix a side salad with the rest of the meals today, and the salads ended up being so darn good and filling that I've eaten less and stayed under!

    Just keep your chin up, realize your in this for the long haul, and in the grand scheme of things, one meal, or one day does not make or break your journey. After all this journey is for the REST of your life. :)
  • mmrey11
    mmrey11 Posts: 21
    Thank you all so much, I feel a lot better and am already back on track. This was so inspiring. It is a wonderful thought to know that there are so many people behind you.
  • Hiker_Rob
    Hiker_Rob Posts: 5,547 Member
    I don't have cheat days. I just take things from day to day and log everything, every once in a while I am over for the day but not normally. If you are logging it all you will know if you are at or close to your limit and then have to make choices as to whether you will eat a fattening meal or food or eat something healthier. There is no reason to feel guilt if you normally keep control over your foods, self control and moderation are two of the keys to a healthy life style!
  • zeusfc
    zeusfc Posts: 6
    There is no such thing as "cheating"... looking better is not a "snapshot" of your life; it's a long term commitment!
    so a day "off" the diet, isn't cheating; it's reminding you of how you used to eat!

    have a look at your weight report for the month; doesn't seem so bad now does it?
  • cniemann26
    cniemann26 Posts: 49
    It happens to everyone! When I was in high school I was so strict with my diet that one slip up would make me feel so bad about myself. Eventually I learned that one higher calorie meal wasn't the end of the world, and as along as I didn't let that derail me then it's fine. Just shake it off and work hard the next day to keep your diet on track. It is important to be able to relax and enjoy meals with friends and family without letting your diet make it unenjoyable or letting temptation derail your goals.

    Partner your fries with a run and relax!
  • ccf_trainer
    ccf_trainer Posts: 86 Member
    Hello, everyone! I just recently decided to try and change my lifestyle again. Except this time, I'm extremely serious. I have a hard time with money so buying healthy food is hard. I also live with 4 other people who tend to eat anything in the fridge.

    Anyways. I know that you should allow yourself "cheat" days so that its easier to stay with your diet but last night i went out with my mom for mothers day and ate cheese fries with ranch and had a dipped cone after(they're her favorite). I wasn't feeling bad about it because I was already ready to jump back on track today. I work in retail and get called in randomly, so this morning i didn't have time to plan any meal or lunch or anything. So someone brought me arbys and i ate half the french and swiss dip and some curly fries and some coca cola. I'm still planning on doing my workout tonight after i get off work.

    The only thing is, I feel absolutely horrible and kinda can't stand myself right now for eating it. I don't know what to do. I don't know, I think I just need some reassurance that its okay. Help?:sad:

    Also, I don't have any friends on here so feel free to add me!

    Everyone cheats on their diet once in a while, even the cleanest eaters will have that moment. I'm proud to say that I have reduced my body fat percentage from 13% to 5%, and in the six months it took me to drop the body fat percentage, I have been very strict to my diet, so one day I decided to go crazy and have pizza (and a whole box of it). No guilt whatsoever. No one here is any better than anyone else, and we all go through things like this. Don't feel bad. As long as you are eating good regularly, you're okay.
  • LifterDave
    LifterDave Posts: 112 Member
    I'm proud to say that I have reduced my body fat percentage from 13% to 5%,
    13-5% body fat? I think you need a refund from who ever you paid to measure it. No way are you only 5%.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    I'm proud to say that I have reduced my body fat percentage from 13% to 5%,
    13-5% body fat? I think you need a refund from who ever you paid to measure it. No way are you only 5%.
    Especially since there's no vascularity present. Compare a competitive athlete or bodybuilder with 5% and one will definitely see the difference.
    At least he didn't offer an Herbalife product to help.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    When you go home workout. And have a light dinner like a salad. One day won't kill you, just don't make a habit of it. Yesterday I was over too. Not a big deal. Today is back to the grind!
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Don't feel guilty, you are on the best kind of the diet (the one where you can have any and all food). If I were you just make sure you tracked everything you had from the cheese fries to the swiss dip and just get back on the horse. Any diet where you aren't allowed to have something isn't the right diet to be on. You can make back all the extra calories you consumed just by spending a little extra time at the gym***.

    For the record, Cheese fries from outback are ridiculously yummy. That's all.