Post menopause weight loss

Rnra1954 Posts: 4 Member
Anyone out there having the same problem I am.....having a hard time losing weight after menopause? If so please let me know. Thanks.


  • oceanbaby51
    yes yes and yes....I have tried WW before and thinking about going back, but I bought a fitbit and work it and MFP together.
    So, mb I'll give MFP another try, I have not logged in for several days, perhaps I should do it today....ref. post tummy...omg never have i had
  • Tattoogrammie
    Tattoogrammie Posts: 15 Member
    It's getting tougher all the time :sad: But I'm trying again.
  • milmomto2
    milmomto2 Posts: 84
    I had a total hysterectomy 18 months ago at the age of 50, that put me in full blown menopause. Having a hell of a time all the way around!
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    I thought I couldn't lose weight after menopause. I was wrong. Log everything you eat, weigh all your food and move more. It is working for me and soon I will be back to my pre-menopausal weight. Yea!
  • D_squareG
    D_squareG Posts: 361 Member
    I just want to say that you can do it. Focus and commit. That's it.

    I wish you well. I know it isn't easy. But it is possible.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I thought it was impossible to lose the post menopausal weight until I joined this site. I log everything and exercise daily. It is coming off and I have not felt this good in about 8 years,
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    I happened to go post-menopausal by surprise (early menopause at age 42) about a couple of months after starting MFP. Don't let it be something that gets in your way mentally. Since I didn't actually realize was post-menopausal, I never gave it a thought. At the time, I just thought diet and exercise had halted my period temporarily. I never plateaued or had any unique challenges. Maybe if I had realized I was in menopause, I would have psyched myself out of things.

    Log extremely diligently, and it will come off.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    I'm well past meno but I had a terrible time losing at that time and, to be honest, it took about four years to get it off. Perhaps more. You have to work a lot harder at that time in your life and once you get it off, you must do all you can not to put it back on because it's going to be really rough getting it off again.
  • jen22438
    jen22438 Posts: 2
    I thought it was impossible to lose the post menopausal weight until I joined this site. I log everything and exercise daily. It is coming off and I have not felt this good in about 8 years,

    Yes, this is my story too. Hang in there! Track everything, absolutely everything and you will get there. I thought I knew a thing or two about calories but was shocked at certain foods - how many calories they have. Holy smokes.

    I am 53 and lost 15 pounds in 5 months. I am jogging again and feel fantastic. Wish I could diet away the night sweats but even they seem more tolerable!
  • zenhiker2014
    zenhiker2014 Posts: 84 Member
    I agree that it will come off with diligence and patience, and also that it's harder/slower than before menopause. Since reading info on MFP and elsewhere I get why that is now, I.e. that my BMR is going down with age so my calorie allowance is going down too. Nothing mysterious or insurmountable, just annoying. Having accepted it I am making progress now. Exercise is my friend, giving me a way to "earn" a bit more food than I'd otherwise be able to get away with. Hang in there!
  • milmomto2 wrote: »
    I had a total hysterectomy 18 months ago at the age of 50, that put me in full blown menopause. Having a hell of a time all the way around!

    I feel the same, I had a total hysterectomy 5 months ago and I'm 31yrs old. Feel like it's really been tough maintaining and trying to lose weight.