newly back

Hi I haven't been on here in a loooong time but it's time for me to do something! I've gained a lot of weight lately cause my husband was diagnosed with cancer and i've been crazy eating. I am now around 320 Lbs Idk somewhere around there I don't have a home scale... any suggestions for someone wanting to lose around 180 Lbs?


  • Unfledgedkitty
    Unfledgedkitty Posts: 45 Member
    Good evening :)

    sorry to about your husband :(, but i kind of know what your going through...

    Personally myself i suffer from depression... and let me tell you i used to eat like crazy only because i felt i was a waste of space, or just felt like eating because it was an easy option...

    But what i will say that worked for me are these three little tips/rules (which i forget sometimes myself but they helped me soo much)

    1. Feel good about everything you do no matter how small it is... I started at 250lbs+ and well i started at only 1000 - 3000 steps a day... then as the weeks went on increased by a couple of hundred :) now i'm at 191 lbs and do over 10K aday if i can :)

    2. talk about your accomplishments with friends and family :) again no matter how small "ohhh look i lost 0.1 lb today :)" just talking about it to a friend or family can do wonders. if they truly love and support you they will push you harder :) if not... well its there loss because your AWESOME!!! :D

    3. If you fail, don't worry... you can learn from your mistakes :) I have had soo many days maybe weeks where i wanted to gooo "ohhh i give up, no one even cares, im useless, im a failure..." but there is one thing i will say to you that kept me going... even if you dont know it... there will always be that one person that will be there for you, and they will help you learn, and next time you can say "oohhh no you dont!" hehe

    Well thats whats helped me :) but as simple as

    Feel good about yourself no matter what, talk to your friends and family about your accomplishments (they will be sooo happy for you) and never worry about failing... you can only get better and more AWESOME!

    Hope this has helped even a little bit :)

    have a meowtastic day :D
  • zsbackpacker

    I am so sorry about your husband and my thoughts are with you.

    I am also restarting my weight loss journey again! I'm only five weeks in but I wanted to share with you a few of the things that have helped me remain focused thus far.

    1) I find taking a couple moments several times throughout the day to visualize and embody a healthy fit version of myself helps keeps me motivated when I'm struggling and improves my attitude when I'm feeling negative/insecure thoughts about myself.

    2) I have a love/hate relationship with the numbers on the scale and I find that they can be inconsistent and an unreliable indicator of my overall improved health and fitness. I'm never certain what my week to week weigh in will be as it sometimes appears sporadic. To counter this, I do a physical activity everyday, if only for 20 minutes. Sometimes it's going to the gym other times it's taking a hike or a bike ride. I find that exercise focuses me on my goals and gives me a checkpoint to grow from, that isn't scale related. I have lost numbers on the scale but what has kept me driven (when I didn't lose pounds) are the minor differences I've found in the way my clothes fit me, or how my strength has in increased in the weight room, or the ease I can now carry my daughter without back pain.

    I truly hope the best for you and your family. I try to remember that perseverance is key and weight loss and fitness is a journey (not just a destination).

    "The most important thing that happens by obtaining a goal is not what you get but who you become."
  • legowrangler
    legowrangler Posts: 229 Member
    Thanks for the support and tips :smile: :smile: :flowerforyou: