Hello everyone! I'm Wade.

Howdy everyone. I've been using the myfitness app for a while but didn't know there was a whole community online so decided to become more involved. I'm 21, almost 22 and live in central Florida (aka Crazyland, USA). I work an office job and in my free time make music and art.

Regarding why I'm here, is I've started to take losing weight very seriously. I'm so tired of being a big guy! I've been overweight since I was five or six and just got bigger and bigger as time went on (my parents were the kind to say 'hey! make all your own meals!'). In High School I was my biggest at almost 300 lbs. When I moved out on my own to go to school (and could finally buy my own groceries yay) I dropped down to about 250 lbs. About two years ago during a financial struggle I couldn't afford much food, and also started working out, and got down to about 200 lbs., but now I'm back at 250 lbs. and just don't feel healthy. My goal is to get down to an ideal body weight and start to look and feel good! My ideal weight is about 180 lbs. In the last few weeks I've started counting my calories, choosing healthier foods, and working out more and more each week. My hope is one day I can go to the beach and actually take off my shirt and feel confident!

That's me and my fitness history and goals in a nutshell. Any tips or tricks to help me out are appreciated! (: