How many calories should I burn in a workout

angeel01 Posts: 10 Member
I am 57kg and want to maintain my weight, in the last 3 days I have burnt around 3000 cals which sound excessive, I normally workout 90-120 mins a day, which again is probably too much, I certainly don't want to do thisyxh exercise for the rest of my life to maintain my weight, 2 yrs ago I had an ED and was controlled by numbers, and to a extent I guess I still am, I focus on burning xxx calories in a work out instead of time I guess. I eat around 2000 cals a day and around 60% healthy and 40% non-healthy so I guess I over exercise to compensate my eating. Most days I burn around 600-900, is this too much and what should I aim for. Realistically I was thinking 500 cals a day or 1 hr.
What do you think?
My counsellor said if was to over exercise this would be concerning as ED thoughts may come back.
For people that are maintaining how many calories do you burn in a workout or time you work out for?
I appreciate your feedback
Thanks Nina


  • Ryderod
    Ryderod Posts: 103 Member
    IMO sounds like you are using your workouts to try regulate your diet. Perhaps consider drafting up a gym program to meet your fitness goals, i.e. Strength, flexibility, cardio, or general fitness. Workout a reasonable, long term sustainable plan, example, 45 - 60 minutes 3 - 4 times a week, and plan your eating around that.
    While the spin off from exercising is a certain amount of weight loss due in part to burning calories and sustaining lean muscle mass, a correct eating plan is vital for weight control.