Anyone out there suffering from Psoriasis??



  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    it runs in our family ... we get it around our noses ... If we go to the doctor to get cream it works. I use athelte foot cream its WAY cheaper than the stuff we get from the doctor and we looked at the ingredients its similar. I think psoriasis is different for everyone gotta try to find something that works for you. Also if I go to a tanning bed it goes away. I try not to use them though unless I am in like a wedding party or something.

    Natural remedies tend to work on just about everyone if not everyone.

    And not everyone wants to put a bunch of chemicals on and in their body. You have to remember that your skin is an organ too and what you put on it absorbs into your blood stream and into the body.

    We use natural toothpaste, mouthwash, soaps, shampoos and coconut oil plays a big part of that.

    Last year I even went to making my own cleaning supplies. Coconut oil (once again), vinegar, water, baking soda are all GREAT natural cleaners.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    What does anyone put on their scalp? I have it bad in my hair, but I don't want to end up with grease head.

    Also, google "co-washing" I use a silicone free conditioner to wash my hair. Shampoo irritates it. After switching to this, I get twice the compliments on my hair and have virtually zero psoriasis on my scalp.
  • IKnowICan
    What does anyone put on their scalp? I have it bad in my hair, but I don't want to end up with grease head.

    Coconut Oil on the scalp and wash your hair in the morning. natural conditioner at the same time as healing.

    My husband and I use coconut oil for our hair, skin and cooking.............We use it for hair conditioner, moisturizer, shaving cream.

    Thank you for the info...I too have bad dry scalp from Eczema! Were do you usually purchase the coconut oil?
  • IKnowICan
    I tried again Oil Olive on my face last night & wow I feel healthy & glowing this morning:drinker: ...I will try it for a few days to see if it gives any more benefits! Although my eyelids did itch from the oil. Hmmm still better than Loreal creams. I really would like to find some anti aging regimes for eczema suffers though:love:
  • cstrong53061
    cstrong53061 Posts: 7 Member
    I try to look for fragrance free products but with aloe and vitamin E in them. For my face i swear by Clinique. A little pricey but I think I'm worth the $40 if it works.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    What does anyone put on their scalp? I have it bad in my hair, but I don't want to end up with grease head.

    Coconut Oil on the scalp and wash your hair in the morning. natural conditioner at the same time as healing.

    My husband and I use coconut oil for our hair, skin and cooking.............We use it for hair conditioner, moisturizer, shaving cream.

    Thank you for the info...I too have bad dry scalp from Eczema! Were do you usually purchase the coconut oil?

    I buy the Nutiva brand. I get it from my local health food store or the Holistic Pet Food store where I purchase dry kibble for my doggies.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Coconut Oil.

    I have 3 people at work that said they suffered from either psoriasis or ezcema and had them to go buy a jar of Nutiva coconut oil and with in 4 days they were healed up.

    Sold in drugstores and retail shops like Walmart?

    I'm willing to try anything to get rid of the psoriasis spots on my face :sad:
  • patti1007
    patti1007 Posts: 20 Member
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    What does anyone put on their scalp? I have it bad in my hair, but I don't want to end up with grease head.

    Same issue here. Can't spot apply cream to a scalp you can't see :(
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    it runs in our family ... we get it around our noses ... If we go to the doctor to get cream it works. I use athelte foot cream its WAY cheaper than the stuff we get from the doctor and we looked at the ingredients its similar. I think psoriasis is different for everyone gotta try to find something that works for you. Also if I go to a tanning bed it goes away. I try not to use them though unless I am in like a wedding party or something.

    I have athlete's foots cream at home right now. Can't hurt to try, right?
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    What does anyone put on their scalp? I have it bad in my hair, but I don't want to end up with grease head.

    Also, google "co-washing" I use a silicone free conditioner to wash my hair. Shampoo irritates it. After switching to this, I get twice the compliments on my hair and have virtually zero psoriasis on my scalp.

    I like the idea of cowashing.
    Do you blowdry your hair afterwards?
    Mine is oddly kinky curly and won't curl properly in the winter so I have to dry it straight.
    I wonder if that heat will irritate my scalp??
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I almost never blowdry, but there's no reason you couldn't if you co-wash.

    p.s. you can probably find coconut oil in any grocery store. I prefer virgin and organic, and I've even seen that at Wal-Mart.

    Also, co-washing makes my hair behave better. I have hair that isn't wavy enough or straight enough to be cool (or wasn't) now my wave is pronounced enough that my hair looks "done" even when it isn't, and I no longer have crazy fly away hair.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Coconut Oil.

    I have 3 people at work that said they suffered from either psoriasis or ezcema and had them to go buy a jar of Nutiva coconut oil and with in 4 days they were healed up.

    Sold in drugstores and retail shops like Walmart?

    I'm willing to try anything to get rid of the psoriasis spots on my face :sad:

    I don't know if wal-mart sells it or not. I get mine from health food store, but I know that trader joes and Whole Foods both sell coconut oil also.

    I like the Nutiva Brand myself and also Jungle brand Palm and Coconut Oil.

    I have NOT tried the tropical traditions.
  • madlibpoet
    madlibpoet Posts: 4 Member
    Hello all P and E sufferers,

    I wanted to add that I use Lancome products on my face and it has kept the psoriasis off of my face. Expensive the but stuff lasts forever.

    Also, psoriasis sufferers should NOT eat a super low-fat diet - you need those healthy fats!! I eat flax seeds in my yogurt and sometimes just swallow a spoonful when I think I need it (extra dry days).

    Lastly, I've been doing research on using corticosteroids for over 20 years - you should really be getting bloodwork done to make sure you're HPA axis is not compromised. Cushings disease and other problems can result. Talk to your doctor, and don't let them tell you not to worry about it!!

    Good luck all!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I get the itchy scaly stuff in the winter, mostly on the arms, elbows, knees and spots on the legs. I would go through tons of the athletes foot stuff and not really kill it. I have recently started using an olive oil based 100% natural bar "soap" that contains no detergents. I also found olive oil "shampoo" that gets rid of the itchy flaky winter scalp. Makes the hair soft and shiny too. After seeing how well the other olive oil products worked, I picked up a small bottle of first run cold press EVO. I will try it on my "extra skin" areas that could use some rejuvination and see what happens.