One more week of Turbo Fire left!!

I can't believe I will have finished the whole 12 weeks! I don't think I've exercised this much in my life. :laugh: I'm still wondering what I will do next. Its going to feel weird not having a scheduled workout of the day.


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    start it all over again :) well ... with a week or 2 off in between of course :)
    congratulations on beeing a TF graduate!!
    I've never tried it but would like to :)
  • Joeysgirl
    Wow!! Awesome! I love TurboFire, but haven't tried to do the whole program. I did the Insanity program and it was amazing the results I had in 60 days.

    You can think about doing a hybrid with TurboFire - adding in another program and switching between. Congrats on getting there!