Started lifting, calories, macros, fat loss...HELP!



  • cadaver0usb0nes
    cadaver0usb0nes Posts: 151 Member
    Hey guys,

    So I am seriously confused, IV had two sessions with my trainer and while I try to ask him he just sort of says 'just eat this till I tell you otherwise" and I need to understand WHY I'm doing it! So it's not going very well.

    Basically he has me on 2000 calories a day, 40/40/20 (I think) but because i don't understand and I despise whole eggs I'm only hitting 1500 and yesterday only 1100! (Bare with me before you yell, I'm's a huge adjustment!)

    My first issue is I havnt eaten meat since I was a kid and hate it and find fish difficult..and while IV tried this week Its a huge struggle...any veggies out there who can help? Trainer says I need to persevere if I can.

    Second..I'm 5'5, around 140-147 and have a lot of body fat. I don't understand how doing weights and eating 2000 calories a day are going to get me to the 120 pounds sculpted hottie I want to be! Basically...I'm scared of eating and gaining and just being bugger and because I don't understand the reasoning behind this plan I'm not committing to it.

    Is this what I need to be doing for my goal? I know there will be mixed opinions but I'm coming from a cardio, 1200 calorie background and I'm scared. I need some understanding here. I want to be small and lean!

    Thank you

    Tell your trainer he needs to communicated with you and tell you WHY You are doing stuff, otherwise you should find a NEW trainer who respects you and has healthy communication with you. Seriously!
  • rachaee
    rachaee Posts: 46 Member
    Thanks guys. Iv told him he needs to go through everything with me tomorrow before we train...even if it takes the whole session because I can't carry on without understanding. I'm sure il figure everything out but for now thanks for your replies.