DVD struggle, im in pain!

OMgg this is what i dread and hate about dvds. i did 30day shred round 1 yesterday, i did justtt about all the way through, i stopped a little during the last round of strength cause i couldnt figure out the sideways lunge, ANYway, now i HURT. my legs and arms are brutal, i feel like if i tried to do day 2, i just wouldnt even be able to lift 10 pounds right now..how do people get around this or avoid it ?

is there something i should be doing different?
or what i can do today so i can still work out succesfully should i do cardio one day, DVD the next?
should i just do day 2 as much as i can, or will that lead me to be even TWICE as sore tomorrow?
ughh. im always stuck on this?

if anyone has any tips please let me know..DVDs confuse me..because i can get through a whole round of it, then an hour later im in pain, then when i wake up the next morn im in pain to. i guess pain is just part of the game? i just hate doing dvds and then being soo sore i cant work out the next day, id rather do something where it allows me to work out everyday? ughhh frusteration here.


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    You will get use to it after a while and will only be slightly sore the next day. This is typical when starting a new routine as you are working your muscles differently than they have been recently.
  • MissEllie0426
    I have struggled with this as well...so I am anxious to see if anyone has any ideas on this!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Very good post!! And you put into words what I haven't been able to!
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    If you can stomach Motrin, it can be taken prior to your workout to help with the pain.
  • JustAmy
    JustAmy Posts: 291
    You will get use to it after a while and will only be slightly sore the next day. This is typical when starting a new routine as you are working your muscles differently than they have been recently.

    Erickirb says it all there!

    You really do get used to it, but anytime you start a new workout there will be new pain......best of luck to you!
  • Joeysgirl
    Honestly, the best thing to do is just workout again. Once you get past the first 10 minutes you will be warmed up and your muscles will loosen. I have always found the best way to combat soreness is to keep working out! I know it sounds crazy.. but you just have to push through.

    Also, after you workout.. make sure you eat/drink something to help your body recover and rebuild itself. within about 45 minutes you have a golden window to refuel your body and help it repair itself. You need something with some sugar to refill the lost glucose stores as well as some protein to help rebuild your muscles. I have a recovery drink I could sell to you, called p90x recovery, which can really help. However, it is a bit expensive. I used to drink carnation instant breakfast, mixed with skim milk and a scoop of protein powder and it worked well for me! BUt make sure you give yourself some cool down time if you chose milk as your recovery drink because it could curdle in your stomach otherwise! So give at least 30 minutes after your workout, but get it in before 45-60 minutes after. Hope that helps!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I had the same issues when doing 30 Day Shred. But I think that it would have been the same starting any fitness routine.
    I worked thru the soreness. I was sore for the first four days, then it didn't hurt.
    Isn't if fun finding muscles that you haven't used in a while (ever!)
  • paniolo5
    paniolo5 Posts: 186 Member
    I agree with erickirb that you will get used to it. In the meantime...for most DVDs that I have tried, I don't push myself horribly hard the first few times I do it - I work more on form and learning the moves. I've not done 30 day shred, but if I were to try it, I would work through it several times over the course of a week at an easier pace then start the clock on the 30 day plan. It will ease your body into using those muscles you didn't know you had. :smile: Also, 10-15 minutes of stretching after a work out should help a lot. If you're not opposed, maybe take some ibuprofen. Good luck!
  • Mama06
    Mama06 Posts: 110 Member
    I"m on Day 20 of the 30 Day Shred and it started out rough but if you can push yourself past the aches and pains and keep going it is TOTALLY worth it!! My body feels totally different and I can fit into jeans that I haven't been able to wear since I was 25! DON"T give up! You will feel great in a day or 2 and you will be so glad that you stayed with it. (P.S. I do the routine everyday except taking a day off for rest between levels.)

    Good Luck! You CAN do this!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Personally, I would take a day off from the DVD and do something else. I've always been told/read that you shouldn't work out the same muscle groups two days in a row. And if you're in that much pain, you don't want to injure yourself. I would do some cardio or yoga/pilates instead to stretch out the muscles.
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    I agree...work through it. It after the first week you will not be as sore. If you do not work through it....each time will be like starting all over again!

    I was doing the 30 shred everyday before my wedding. After taking 2 weeks off between the wedding and honeymoon I started back up and yes....I was sore all over again. But now its like routine again...and very rarely am I sore to the point of where you are right now.
  • cc_campbell81
    It's true you shouldn't stop working out all together but be careful not to push too hard. If you have really sore muscles try to work out different muscles the next day. When I started 30 day shred I felt like my legs were going to cramp but I ingored it and the next day I could barely walk! So it's important to listen to your body. It's better to skip a couple exercices and be able to do it again the next day opposed to hurting yourself and not being able to work out for days or weeks. Try warming up a little more before starting the DVD and massage sore muscles.
  • littlemamajamie
    littlemamajamie Posts: 118 Member
    Try drinking a protein shake after working out too. It will help your muscles repair themselves and make you less sore. You will still be sore because there is no way around it but it will help some. :)
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Here - http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/128408-oh-god-the-pain
    Read that. You've point of view on the pain will change.
    It's a good thing.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    24 hours after my first workout is when I'm the most sore. Even after doing the whole Shred and not being sore through the workouts, if you switch the workout - you could very well get the same soreness from the new workout. I agree with pp in that if you push into the workout, your muscles start to loosen up and you don't hurt as much. Chances are you won't be as sore after workout 2 as you are after workout 1.

    The good thing with the shred - you might get this soreness after going up each level, although not as bad as the beginning since you've already been using most of the muscles.

    If you think its something more than just soreness - as in an injury - then don't push through. But, if its just soreness from using muscles you haven't in awhile - go ahead, you'll feel better before you know it.

    Happy Shredding!
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    You would be sore, but take it from me that that workout is totally worth it. as everyone said, after 2-3 days you won't be so sore. But there is something you can do that can help with the soreness. Drink lots of water and have some potassium rich foods like bananas which help you get rid of the water in your sore muscles. The soreness won't vanish, but it definitely helps. Good luck :)
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I'm doing the 30 day shred too! I was dying the first couple of days but today I do day 10 and I'm not even sore anymore. Take it easy.. listen to your body.. It will get used to it soon and you'll really be shredding! Only 9 days in and I've lost 2 inches from my waist!!!! :)
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    I'm jealous. I remember the days when I couldn't walk or sit without pain after 30DS. That soreness means progress, and now I get really excited when I achieve it. 30DS was my gateway drug to weight loss and fitness and i still find it to be a great workout. In addition to motrin, potassium helps so try a banana or coconut water afterwards.

    Oh and 30DS isn't intense enough on any one muscle group that you'd have to take more than a day off a week. That's the beauty of circuit training.:flowerforyou:
  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    After a hard workout I have found that you will make the pain of the next pain less pronounced if you really spend the time stretching. Your body is already warmed up so you are somewhat limber. I think the lactic acid build up in the muscles is another part of the pain...but I am not sure. The next time you do a really hard core workout try stretching for 25 minutes. Especially the muscles you feel the most, or the ones you worked the most at that workout. It wont completely make all the soreness go ahead, but it might help.
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    I think everybody who does any type of resistance or strength type exercise initially gets the muscle pain. Your body is being flooded by lactic acid and your muscles have lots of tiny tears that it's trying to repair. Drink A LOT of water.... More than you normally would because you want to flush the lactic acid out. Have a nice, warm bath with Epsom salts to relax. Give yourself a day's break and then get back into it. The pain usually lasts about 72 hours but if you push your body you will find that eventually you will get used to it and it won't be as noticeable). There is no quick fix but DO give your body time to recover and repair. Stretch lots, it will help you limber up.