
Do folks regularly play basketball on here? I find that the calories the app estimates that people burn during basketball is extremely generous. I know that basketball is pretty much a full body workout but burning 1400 calories in 90 minutes is a bit much. Even when I played using my Nike Fuelband the most calories it ever estimated that I burned during two hours of play is 800 calories. Does anyone else agree that the basketball estimates are exaggerated? I find that on days that I play basketball that I always end the day with my net calories still in the negative because of this inaccuracy.


  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I do play basketball regularly but I don't "count" exercise.

    I use the TDEE method…but am going to give 5:2 a try for a while starting this week.

    Many people on here just count half the calories MFP gives them to make up for the difference.
  • davmeis
    davmeis Posts: 7 Member
    I wore a heart rate monitor while playing full-court pickup with some friends. According to the HRM, I burned 1700 in the 90 minutes we played.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Expecting to get the same results as other people for playing basketball is ridiculous. Too much variance.

    What position do you play?
    How competitive is your game?
    Do you play for 90 straight or are there long breaks while you wait for next?
    Do you go all out?
    Do you play physical?
    Do you move without the ball?
    Do you hustle?
  • davmeis
    davmeis Posts: 7 Member
    You are right... Everyone (and each time playing) will be different. I play very competitively (hustling, moving w/o the ball, always running the floor, etc.) and the guys I play with typically play run&gun with only short breaks (about 5min every 15-20min) between games when the HRM shows 1700. I'm guessing the 1400 cal/90min estimate is probably on the high end but is possible if you are playing hard with little to no breaks.
  • esanford2
    esanford2 Posts: 23 Member
    That's what I thought about how calories burned could vary. I know guys who do not play defense and usually only stand on the three point line while on offense who probably wouldn't burn 100 calories during two hours of play. Personally, I play extremely hard on defense and offense (I box out hard on both ends and during offense I find myself literally wrestling people for position) but no longer do fast breaks. Even though I have picked up 40 pounds since my college career I'm still the energy guy on the court who will run down loose balls. I'm starting this Ice Cream Fitness Program this week and hopefully with the leg workouts and weight loss I'll be able to dunk again.