Kettle bells or pump - which barbells?

Ok so I did insanity a while back, liked month 1 but month 2 had too many push ups in it that I just couldn't do! Plus the 6 days a week was not easy for me to fit in. I used to go to the gym but with 2 toddlers I just can't anymore and need to do the home exercising thing. Since insanity I haven't found anything else, and when I don't exercise I feel like crap so I've been looking and for what I want I think either the les mills pump or some kettlebell workouts like goddess or Lauren brooks.
I have access to the DVDs for pump would need to buy a suitable barbell ( can anyone advise what I need to be looking for? All weights look similar to me) I used to do pump at the gym and saw great results so I'm leaning towards this one, other option is the kettle bells, I have e kettle bells but not the DVDs? So either way I'm going to have to spend some £ but that's fine.
I'm looking for 3 days a week with maybe a Pilates session on Sunday. I want something with weights but not solely weights, has to be like these with cardio too.
Advise welcomed! Xx x.


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    get a barbell, power rack, and bench …and then pick up a copy of starting strength, and/or new rules of lifting for woman and put yourself on a program of compound lifting….
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    kettlebells can be fun and save some space.

    this is a great kettlebell work out:
  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member
    I am a pump instructor and wouldn't suggest it.

    I agree with responder above, purchase a set of dumbbell's if possible (those adjustable ones that you are able to increase weight on) a bench, and then do some online research, purchase new rules and get yourself on a progressive lifting program at home. Those home videos are mostly cardio and you don't need to spend money to get your heart rate up...jump on your bed, get a skipping rope, walk/run outside, run up stairs, ride your bike, get some inline skates, do some of the exercises from your insanity video you already know.

    You don't need to start complicated. If dumbbell's is all you can get right now - get them and there are plenty of exercises you can do for your entire body with just dumbbell's! Some you may just need to start with your body weight depending on your level of fitness

    Good luck :)