is this plateau ?!

hi, everyone. i joined MFP in february, the support has been great. i started my weight loss in januray, 18 weeks ago exactly. I'm 5'4", have lost 33lb, went down from 184 to 151. my goal weight is 143 lb. it would give me a BMI of 25. i started walking half an hour then an hour then a month ago my average would be an hour and a half, daily, except on saturday which is my cheat day. until 2 weeks ago everything was going well, i was hungry and irritated in the first month but now I'm feeling good. i actually feel better after working out, which i would have never believed ild feel :) i like choosing what i eat now, so i do feel the change. its not temporary and i want it to last. when i started though i would eat the 1200 recommended but i didn't lose anything, i went down to 800 and thats when i started seeing result and from then onwards my weight loss was consistent, an average of 1.8lb weekly, for 16 weeks. that was actually my biggest motivation, seeing results. then 2 weeks ago everything SUDDENLY slowed down. i lost 0.5lb in the 2 weeks, keeping calories under goal and walking 80 min average. i had changed nothing in my regimen. the sudden and significant drop in the rate alarmed me and i wanted to take your opinions. i know that things slow down once one is closer to goal weight but as i mentioned earlier its not the skinniest weight that I'm trying to reach plus i thought the slow down would be gradual!
let me know ur thoughts please. thanks