Jump rope

I just bought a weighted jump rope, has anyone had success from jump roping? And how long ect please feel free to share thanks


  • brahmergirl
    brahmergirl Posts: 84 Member
    I like to jump rope but not sure on success with it. I bought one last year and jump it when I don't have time to work out otherwise...
  • Toomestwin
    Toomestwin Posts: 40
    It can be discouraging when you first start. I use a Tabata timer app and started off with 20 second intervals and gradually increased the length of the intervals as I got better.

    I jump rope as a warm-up to lifting weights because it's a great way to quickly engage all the muscles regardless of which muscle group I'm going to work. I also do a short session jump rope as a quick start to my day.

    Difficult thing is to find your rhythm and that soft 1 inch skip. Comes with practice. Results are phenomenal.
  • Boxing987
    Boxing987 Posts: 143 Member
    yep i do 5-10 warmup and cool down each day its good workout and cardio just make sure you ease yourself into it. Like anything it just takes some practice
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I use one all the time- I used an weighted one exclusively for about a year- and I'm fairly confident my 15-30 min sessions did gave me a repetitive stress injury to my shoulder from heavy use.

    Just be careful with the weighted rope- I might rotate it in and out rather than using it over and over again.

    I have a generic one I use regularly now I think I got at Target- I actually really like it- think I paid 5 bucks for it. (no flaring shoulder issues as of yet)
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I think jump roping is excellent.
  • Zhaylin
    Zhaylin Posts: 2
    I just starting jumping. I bought a weighted rope (weights in handles). After trying it once, I took the weights out (for now lol) and I'm doing better with it.
    I only last 3-5 minutes for now, but I try to jump 2-3 times every day.

    I use the step-jump. It's sort of like jogging with a jump rope. I can't jump with both feet yet.
  • ptw330
    ptw330 Posts: 14
    Just started back exercising man im unfit after months not doing anything; so i got a jump rope 3mins was stuffed but pushed on for another min, then straight onto the stationery bike could only do 3mins was so outta breath but once i recovered i felt really good, hopefully can keep it up! I have the weighed rope too, love it!