Starting over + welcoming new friends for peer support

Hi All

I've been really active on MFP and have lost 12lbs over the past few months. Fell off the wagon the past few weeks.

I actually found that making a new account and fresh start may get me back into it...

But I would like to add friends for mutual peer support - but if possible people who are in it for similar reasons to me...

I am aiming to lose weight, yes, but most importantly... it's about improving my relationship with food. as you'll see from my username I'm an emotional eater. I have problems with my mental health, and I turn to food too easily.

So my reason for being here is not primarily about how much I weight / gain or lose, but about my relationship with food.

I'll be honest, on my last account, I was often frustrated as I felt like those who commented on my statuses often had very different aims to me and their comments reflected this... I am not just focused on numbers, but on having a healthy lifestyle and improving my relationship with food... if you are in it for similar reasons, please do feel free to add me :)


  • MrsKaby
    MrsKaby Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I had a previous account on here and I managed to loose 50lbs but then I got hit with a diagnosis of arthritis and the meds and emotional effect of that made me put it all back on and a bit more too! I decided that I needed a new profile and a new start so I didn't kepp reminding myself that I had failed.
  • svandever101585
    svandever101585 Posts: 188 Member
    Hi, I am sending you a friend request. I am here to lose weight, get in shape, and be healthy but I have an issue with emotional eating as well. I understand your frustrations. I have tried to eat my stress and anxiety away for years which lead me to grow to 262 lbs. With education, proper diet, and exercise I have been able to lose 77 lbs in a year and control my eating on most occasions. Hope we can help eachother on this long and difficult journey. Best of Luck.
  • Thanks both - sounds like you both know where I'm coming from.
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    I will send you a friend request too. Anyone else can add me as well.

    I am also an emotional eater. I have really been struggling with this the last 6 months or so. I find myself tired from work and grumpy so I lean on crappy food choices to make me feel better. I hate that. Let's help each other out.