t-25 or P90x3?

Hi All,

Just thought I would ask your advice on this one. I travel a LOT for work, and it is unpredictable. As such, besides running, which I am working back into with the Couch to 10k program (yes, 10k... I had run quite a bit in the past), I am looking for something else. I'm split on the two programs above (t-25 vs p90x3) because of the travel. I know only I can pick what I will enjoy more... and my goal is to lose weight and tone. I need it all!

So... all of that said, any advice? Will P90x3 require too much (weights, bands, etc.) to make it practical if I'm traveling?

Thanks in advance for your opinions!



  • T25 would be the better option, it comes with the resistance band which is used for some of the beta workouts, but p90x works best with some weights, although either could be adapted, you could use p90x3 with just the resistance bands. Let me know if I can help in any way ;) I am doing t25 now, and love it!
  • RavenNevermore15
    RavenNevermore15 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi All,

    Just thought I would ask your advice on this one. I travel a LOT for work, and it is unpredictable. As such, besides running, which I am working back into with the Couch to 10k program (yes, 10k... I had run quite a bit in the past), I am looking for something else. I'm split on the two programs above (t-25 vs p90x3) because of the travel. I know only I can pick what I will enjoy more... and my goal is to lose weight and tone. I need it all!

    So... all of that said, any advice? Will P90x3 require too much (weights, bands, etc.) to make it practical if I'm traveling?

    Thanks in advance for your opinions!


    Hi Kelly! If you're traveling a lot, T25 is totally the way to go. It's a perfect program to take on the road with you. Even the routines he does with weights, you can modify with a resistance band, which takes up no space at all in a suitcase. I love T25. Happy working out!!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    P90X3 can be done with just bands, I am on week 6 and I love it!
  • TampaExPat
    TampaExPat Posts: 29 Member
    The entire P90X3 program can be used with just resistance bands too. I think it's all about what you're looking for. What I've heard is that T25 is better for strictly weight loss, but P90X3 is better for all around fitness.
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    For travel, T25 is going to require the least amount of equipment. That being said, I prefer the variety in P90X3.
  • candytag
    candytag Posts: 33 Member
    Are both these programs only available by dvd or can you download them off the computer? We now longer have a dvd player and our laptops do no come with a cd drive. Has anyone else ran into this problem? I would like to do T25 but this is a stumbling block for me.

    Thanks for any ideas beside purchasing a dvd player.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i also feel that t-25 would travel better.

    i've never done p90x3. but i did p90x.

    its true that you can do everything with a flex cord, but IMO you will get better results with at least a pull up bar.

    and you'll probably at least need to bring a door anchor or some way of simulating pull ups for p90x3
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Are both these programs only available by dvd or can you download them off the computer? We now longer have a dvd player and our laptops do no come with a cd drive. Has anyone else ran into this problem? I would like to do T25 but this is a stumbling block for me.

    Thanks for any ideas beside purchasing a dvd player.

    hmmm, you may have to pirate it.

    you'd think that they would do some way of just downloading the info, but maybe they can't encrypt it then.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    would not be surprised if someone youtube themselves doing every workout in it entirety btw :)
  • TampaExPat
    TampaExPat Posts: 29 Member
    Are both these programs only available by dvd or can you download them off the computer? We now longer have a dvd player and our laptops do no come with a cd drive. Has anyone else ran into this problem? I would like to do T25 but this is a stumbling block for me.

    Thanks for any ideas beside purchasing a dvd player.

    hmmm, you may have to pirate it.

    you'd think that they would do some way of just downloading the info, but maybe they can't encrypt it then.

    You can get cheap dvd players for like $20 now
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    thats against the stated rules lol
  • popstarwow
    popstarwow Posts: 14 Member
    T-25! it´s only 25 minutes, you get good results and no equipement is required. Also, Shaun T, the coach, motivates a lot!
  • Bappelman
    Bappelman Posts: 8 Member
    I am just finishing up P90X too.

    I love the overall fitness aspect of P90X, but at this time I really want to focus on dropping the weight, and I can do more intense muscle building once I lose enough fat.

    Is T-25 better for dropping weight than P90X3?

    I know lifting and adding muscle accelerates weight loss, but I have a surgically repaired knee that is getting worse. My doctor says I really need to lose around 30-40 lbs to alleviate the pain.

  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    Neither one is better for losing weight--you'll accomplish that with a calorie deficit. It's about which one fits your style and needs the best. I've done T25 and didn't quite finish it. I had a really hard time getting enough energy for that much cardio first thing in the morning. I'm doing P90x3 and really like it so far. It does work better with weights, but they also show modifications with bands. You can always swap the schedule (they say not to, but you gotta do what you gotta do) so that it works better with your traveling dates. So P90x3 is what works for me. Now if I can just keep my calories down, I can finally lose these last 5 pounds!
  • CitizenXVIII
    CitizenXVIII Posts: 117 Member
    I'm a big fan of the hundred push-ups program @ hundredpushups.com. Free and nothing to take with you.

    You can also download free tabata timers on your phone and do some HIIT rounds of some good bodyweight exercises. Burpees, pushups, jumping rope, etc. I think you might be more likely to follow through with that on the road than a video.