Looking for Friends to help motivate

jlcrt Posts: 3 Member
I have been an on again off again user of MFP.
I have decided to come back to recommit to my goals and I have only been most successful in doing so with daily check ins with people on a similar journey as me.

A bit about myself and my goals
- 28 year old from Ontario Canada
- celebrating 6 years of marriage this May
- have lost and successfully kept off 20 pounds in this last two years
- have approximately 80 pounds to lose to reach my goal weight
- however my current goal is to lose as much of those 80 pounds before the new year as my husband and I are planning to start a family around that time

I am really looking for some MFP friends to help share our experiences, keep us motivated together and to keep us accountable.


  • livnlife2014
    livnlife2014 Posts: 3 Member
    I would love to help keep motivated, I am in desperate need of some extra pushing
  • smann1115
    smann1115 Posts: 63 Member
    Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • shandawg5
    shandawg5 Posts: 7
    Hi!! We share a lot in common: I am 29 and live in Athens, GA. ( I just celebrated my 6th wedding anniversary Friday!) We also desire a family--- I have PCOS which makes weight loss difficult and conceiving even more. I have been on MFP for 3 weeks now and the motivation and encouragement from cyber friends makes a world of difference to me.

    Anyone is welcome to add me-- we are in this journey together! :)
  • JessicaAnn710
    JessicaAnn710 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I am 25 from St. Louis, MO. I am getting married next May and trying to lose at least 50 lbs. by then. After the wedding I plan on keeping it going because we also plan on starting a family and just for my overall health. Good luck! :)
  • AHealthyMe1lbAtATime
    AHealthyMe1lbAtATime Posts: 188 Member
    Feel free to add me! Always looking for new friends to motivate and be motivated by :)
  • gchick64
    gchick64 Posts: 73 Member
    I've been an on again off again MFP user for years too, and have very few friends remaining, none that motivate me :) Feel free to add me.

    About myself and my goals:

    - I turned 32 last week, and have a very active 2 year old.
    - I'm only 10 pounds away from my first goal weight, but 22 pounds from my ultimate goal.
    - I've lost 15 pound since starting MFP and do find it helpful when i actually do it.
    - I'll celebrate my 3 year wedding annivarsary in a couple months
    - And are starting to talk about adding a new little one
    - Would love to be healthy weight when i get pregnant
