Need support!

youngs Posts: 250 Member
Hi, I am not new to this but I am back AGAIN...I need people who will be dedicated to become MFP friends to help me along this journey..I am looking for friends that will show me support and encouragement and chew my butt also when needed! I need to do this and I know it...I would like to lose atleast 100# so please if you are the person to help me send me a friend request and I will also help you in the same manner...I am not looking for anything other than just a friend for weight loss so if you are looking for anything other than that please do not send a request. Thanks!


  • NLynn9812
    NLynn9812 Posts: 5
    Hi! I just started. I came here looking exactly for this. I would like to add you if that's ok. And anybody else that needs support please add me!