Need to quit drinking Coke. HELP!!



  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    What worked for me, and this may not even work for you, but........ I was super addicted to Mountain Dew. I thought there was no hope to stop. BUT....... I stuck it out for two days and flushed my system with 8- 8oz glasses of water per day for two days. I tried to drink some after the two days, and GAGGED!!! :sick:

    I couldn't believe I had been drinking something so disgusting! I have had MAYBE 10 oz of soda since I started on here and drink LifeWater and regular tap water now and couldn't be happier. For caffeine, (which I have also cut down on) I just drink one cup AFTER exercise.

    *Edited to add that I used to drink 1.5 liters of Mountain Dew a day, EVERYDAY!!!