
Hi Y'all!

I'm new to MFP and I'm using it to log my medifast meal plan and progress. I love technology! It's been shoved down my throat for years that keeping a food log and counting calories, was key to losing weight and keeping it off, but I could just never get in to the habit, it was just never convenient. Now that it's an easy to use App on my phone, it takes no time at all and almost all of the Medifast products and recipes are already programed into MFP, it's awesome!! And I've already lost 9 pounds in my first week!


  • carolww
    carolww Posts: 143 Member
    Welcome to the party!! Great weight loss for your first week! I use the iphone app as well and am amazed at how much is already in the food database. You'll find lots of success stories here thats for sure!