Moderating cheat days



  • feliscatus84
    feliscatus84 Posts: 80 Member
    I agree with the "cheat day is a bad idea" people. You're essentially killing all the the work you did that week by allowing yourself a free-for-all day. Because, let's be real, when you have a cheat day you want to live it up. You want the tasty restaurant fat bomb and huge *kitten* dessert with all the toppings. At least I do lol! I mean you have to kick your *kitten* at the gym to have days like that and I'm assuming most don't. I've changed my way of thinking on this entirely. What I do is if I really want that amazing high calorie meal I break it in half or three servings and I eat one portion for dinner and the other the next day. Half the time my fiance eats it the next day anyway because I don't want to get sucked back into that way of eating on a consistent basis. I've lost 30lbs since January keeping with this method. I usually only do this once every other week. And also, you know if I want to have a treat during the week I will have it. Like with ice cream I just weigh it out and make sure it fits in my daily allotment. I feel I am doing a great job of staying on track this way and I don't usually obsess over food. If I HAVE to have it I will eat it. But always weigh and fit it in your calories and macros for the day.
  • ChristineRoze
    ChristineRoze Posts: 212 Member
    On the weekend i eat bad things, but i like to keep it within maintenance so then i know i am not going to gain from it. I over ate a bit during one weekend, so i decided to work out until i brought those calories down to maintenance haha
  • traceywoody
    traceywoody Posts: 233 Member
    The entire concept of "cheating" is stupid in my book. You can eat whatever foods you want, every day as long as they fit your calorie and macro nutrient goals. A cheat day isn't needed. If you crave ice cream eat it, count it, and move on. A cheat day, or even a cheat meal can ruin a full week of dieting. Lets say you maintain on 2000 calories a week. You eat 1500 calories so you lose 1 lb a week. You have one cheat day where you eat 3000 calories as a cheat day. Congrats, you just ate away 1/3 of your week's worth of dieting. Why not just eat foods you enjoy every day in moderation?


    Double this!
  • I just started, but I agree with the concept of fasting on a day I know I'm going to have something that contains a ton of calories. I would rather save my calories and use them all together that day.
  • ritteea
    ritteea Posts: 6
    Started less than 2 weeks even if sometimes i do go 'astray' during weekends especially, i track even the extra calories just to be fair to myself and the efforts im doing to try losing weight
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    The entire concept of "cheating" is stupid in my book. You can eat whatever foods you want, every day as long as they fit your calorie and macro nutrient goals. A cheat day isn't needed. If you crave ice cream eat it, count it, and move on. A cheat day, or even a cheat meal can ruin a full week of dieting. Lets say you maintain on 2000 calories a week. You eat 1500 calories so you lose 1 lb a week. You have one cheat day where you eat 3000 calories as a cheat day. Congrats, you just ate away 1/3 of your week's worth of dieting. Why not just eat foods you enjoy every day in moderation?

    Bah. I totally disagree with this. There are some things you just can't fit in your diary - like, that restaurant you go to once every 5 years that has delicious foods. It would be really sad to limit yourself just because 'the concept of cheating is stupid'.

    And I don't care what people say... some foods are just not worth keeping for later because they reheat horribly.

    For what it's worth though... I have one of those days every other month or less, when I'll eat 3000 calories. But yes it's slowed down my weight loss by quite a bit (although I don't care at this point, I'm fine with just maintaining).

    Bottom line... I think a cheat day (or even meal, because really, it translates to the same thing for me because one cheat meal puts me 1000 over) every week pretty much defeats the purpose, and you're better off eating what you like in moderation within your calories, but a once in a while pig out for Holidays and special events is totally fine IMO.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The entire concept of "cheating" is stupid in my book. You can eat whatever foods you want, every day as long as they fit your calorie and macro nutrient goals. A cheat day isn't needed. If you crave ice cream eat it, count it, and move on. A cheat day, or even a cheat meal can ruin a full week of dieting. Lets say you maintain on 2000 calories a week. You eat 1500 calories so you lose 1 lb a week. You have one cheat day where you eat 3000 calories as a cheat day. Congrats, you just ate away 1/3 of your week's worth of dieting. Why not just eat foods you enjoy every day in moderation?

    Bah. I totally disagree with this. There are some things you just can't fit in your diary - like, that restaurant you go to once every 5 years that has delicious foods. It would be really sad to limit yourself just because 'the concept of cheating is stupid'.

    And I don't care what people say... some foods are just not worth keeping for later because they reheat horribly.

    For what it's worth though... I have one of those days every other month or less, when I'll eat 3000 calories. But yes it's slowed down my weight loss by quite a bit (although I don't care at this point, I'm fine with just maintaining).

    Bottom line... I think a cheat day (or even meal, because really, it translates to the same thing for me because one cheat meal puts me 1000 over) every week pretty much defeats the purpose, and you're better off eating what you like in moderation within your calories, but a once in a while pig out for Holidays and special events is totally fine IMO.

    Eating =/= cheating

    That's why the concept of it is stupid. Track what you eat. Do your best each day to hit your macros and calorie goals. If you have a maintenance day, or even the occasional above-maintenance day (like holiday feasts), just log it and move on. It isn't "cheating," it's just living life.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Don't you think that by labeling a day "faturday" you are starting off with a negative association right off the bat? I dunno, just strikes me as a bit odd...
  • beachgod
    beachgod Posts: 567 Member
    Eating =/= cheating

    That's why the concept of it is stupid. Track what you eat. Do your best each day to hit your macros and calorie goals. If you have a maintenance day, or even the occasional above-maintenance day (like holiday feasts), just log it and move on. It isn't "cheating," it's just living life.

    +1. I did cheat meals when I first started MFP and even then I used so-called healthier, low fat alternatives to the meals. I didn't last very long, not just because of this, but since I've been using MFP again I still go to the same place once a week, get the meal I want the way I want it, log it and move on. I do manipulate the rest of my macros for that day but that is easy enough to do and I sure don't consider it cheating any more.
  • csk0018
    csk0018 Posts: 219 Member
    I go with overall moderation. It just works better for me. Anything that feels like a restriction on what I can eat... I will just go nuts! If there is something I am craving that I really want -- I'll have it and just plan out the rest of my day around it.
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    I personally prefer to call my 'cheats' indulgences. They are pretty much always planned and when i decide to indulge a little i will prelog what i want to eat (usually anything Reese's and my beloved chilli) and i'll workout beforehand to counteract the damage. If the indulgences go out of control i use my mantra... Eat it, enjoy it, log it and forget it. I do the 6:1 version of the 5:2 as i am maintaining but if i feel really bad i will have 2 fast days instead.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I LIKE calling them cheats. Because the negative connotation helps remind myself that it really should be a rare occurrence.

    But again, we got to stop arguing semantics. Focus on your ideas instead of how you call them... Just IMO.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I LIKE calling them cheats. Because the negative connotation helps remind myself that it really should be a rare occurrence.

    But again, we got to stop arguing semantics. Focus on your ideas instead of how you call them... Just IMO.

    Enjoy your negative lifestyle! :flowerforyou:


    transitive verb
    1 : to deprive of something valuable by the use of deceit or fraud
    2: to influence or lead by deceit, trick, or artifice
    3: to elude or thwart by or as if by outwitting <cheat death>

    intransitive verb
    a : to practice fraud or trickery
    b : to violate rules dishonestly <cheat at cards> <cheating on a test>

    : to be sexually unfaithful —usually used with on <was cheating on his wife>
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I don't make cheat days, I make cheat meals. If I'm about to have a cheat dinner, I'll go with lighter and health-conscious breakfast and lunch, and if I'm going out for brunch, I eat healthy for the rest of the day. I am currently trying to not cheat at all, by working out a lot before any cheat meals, but in the future, they're will be meals that won't be loggeg at all. Those will be real cheat meals, but they don't happen very often. I probably won't log my wedding dinner or my 30th birthday party, but that's it. ;)

    This, and also the bit about unplanned (or I'd add unsatisfying) cheat meals. If I'm going to have a meal that's hard or impossible to fit into my calories for the day, it had better be worth it and intentional.

    I'm tempted to argue for a different name, also, since I hate when women refer to themselves as "being bad" or "naughty" when eating something indulgent--I think it connects with generally unhelpful attitudes about food and shame and blah, blah, but of course I know what people mean and sometimes it's just easier to accept it.
  • vanillacoffee
    vanillacoffee Posts: 1,024 Member
    For me, it's only cheating if I don't log it.

    I _routinely_ have days where I go over my daily calorie allotment, but I save up for them ahead of time by going under on other days or by not eating back my exercise calories. It's a _planned_ cheat.

    I like this. As well as the "cheat meal" rather than day, if you want to start off slow.
    I'm still working on it. I have a tendency to have more than one cheat in a row.
    I'm doing the Ultimate Accountability Challenge here on MFP where I stay in my calories every day in March- it's teach me a lot about what I crave and my eating patterns.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The entire concept of "cheating" is stupid in my book. You can eat whatever foods you want, every day as long as they fit your calorie and macro nutrient goals. A cheat day isn't needed. If you crave ice cream eat it, count it, and move on. A cheat day, or even a cheat meal can ruin a full week of dieting. Lets say you maintain on 2000 calories a week. You eat 1500 calories so you lose 1 lb a week. You have one cheat day where you eat 3000 calories as a cheat day. Congrats, you just ate away 1/3 of your week's worth of dieting. Why not just eat foods you enjoy every day in moderation?

    I'm glad you're perfect.

    For some, moderation is not an alternative.

    Except the OP stated this:
    I'm trying to follow a 'moderation is key to all' diet
  • sheltrk
    sheltrk Posts: 111 Member
    "Cheating" is a loaded word. I don't really like it. That being said, I've been experimenting with a new "calorie intake management" strategy over the last month or so, and it's been working out really well. (I'm basically at maintenance right now.)

    On each weekday (M-Th, and sometimes Friday), I maintain a net calorie debt of 200-250 calories. That gives me an extra 800-1250 calories to "play with" over the weekend. Popcorn at the movies? No problem. Cupcake at the mall? Yes, please. This allows me the freedom to eat pretty much whatever I want, within reason, on the weekend when we're out and about. But, I keep my weekly net calorie intake right at my goal for the week.

    I do see my daily weight fluctuate a lot, but this is mostly glycogen and water storage. On a weekly rolling average basis, I'm staying right where I want to be.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I want to continue supporting him as best I can, and I'm not being so strict with myself that the occasional burrito or biscuit is so terrible. But that works much better on a day-to-day basis -- craving salty deliciousness one meal? eat a greener, lighter next meal. have a bit extra cheese at lunch? skip the moderate amount I was going to have at dinner -- than on a 'MUST GET EVERYTHING IN AT ONCE' weekly basis. Especially since I just felt gross the next day, this week.

    So, for those of you that have weekly 'cheat' days (including people on the 5-2 diet), how do you stop from going completely overboard? What guidelines do you follow on your cheat days, if any? What are your opinions on cheat days vs. cheat meals vs. overall moderation? I'd love to hear from you all! Thanks!!

    (Oh, another mitigating factor -- he's over a foot taller than I am, and weighs about 30% more, so I have to be careful not to just match him bite-for-bite, or even bite-for-every-other-bite, anyway, or I will want to keel over and die at the end of every meal)

    I don't do planned cheats or unplanned...I agree eat in moderation. I couldn't go a complete day and induldge all day either I would be ill. My husband and son both are big eaters and love love love fast food chips cake cookies etc. I eat with them but choose my food carefully. I prefer my method of eating what I crave and fitting it in.

    I have on occassion had meals that were a bit more than I would like or evenings out where the drinking came into play. But as long as my weekly is in line I am all good.

    I do however want to say support goes both ways...I understand his eating habits are different than yours but perhaps he could support your lifestyle as's all a give and take...compromise.
  • Rose6300
    Rose6300 Posts: 232 Member
    Now, while losing weight, I don't have "cheat" meals or days. I have gone over my planned deficit. The most I've eaten since I started this journey is a little under 2000 calories on my birthday back in January, which is probably just a little over maintenance.

    When I get to maintenance, I doubt I'll have a weekly cheat day as I'm not really a foodie and I've never been a sweets fiend. My faults are mostly mindless snacking and laziness. If I continue logging (as I plan to do) and I don't get complacent, I probably won't need cheat meals very often.

    What I suspect I'll do is mostly eat at maintenance, and then once in a while have an all-out, no-holds-barred, extravaganza meal, and not worry about it.

    I'm guessing a lot of the variation in answers you'll get on her can be attributed to the variation in how much a person likes food.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    Hi all,

    I know this is a somewhat controversial topic, and I'd love to get everyone's thoughts on it. I'm trying to follow a 'moderation is key to all' diet, but my boyfriend -- whose goals are sleep-health-related, rather than purely fitness/thinness-related -- follows a much stricter plan, which includes an eat-all-the-****-you-can day off to help curb cravings during the rest of the week. It's been working really well for him, and we've been using the day off ('faturday') as an excuse to explore the city, and its culinary delights.

    I want to continue supporting him as best I can, and I'm not being so strict with myself that the occasional burrito or biscuit is so terrible. But that works much better on a day-to-day basis -- craving salty deliciousness one meal? eat a greener, lighter next meal. have a bit extra cheese at lunch? skip the moderate amount I was going to have at dinner -- than on a 'MUST GET EVERYTHING IN AT ONCE' weekly basis. Especially since I just felt gross the next day, this week.

    So, for those of you that have weekly 'cheat' days (including people on the 5-2 diet), how do you stop from going completely overboard? What guidelines do you follow on your cheat days, if any? What are your opinions on cheat days vs. cheat meals vs. overall moderation? I'd love to hear from you all! Thanks!!

    (Oh, another mitigating factor -- he's over a foot taller than I am, and weighs about 30% more, so I have to be careful not to just match him bite-for-bite, or even bite-for-every-other-bite, anyway, or I will want to keel over and die at the end of every meal)

    I personally follow overall moderation; I used to use the word "cheat" and have "cheat days" and "cheat meals", but I stopped using that mindset because I wanted a good relationship with food. I personally don't like the idea that I am "cheating" at something, because that implies I'm doing something bad.

    If I want a piece of greasy pizza, and it fits into my macros, I don't consider it cheating. I consider it calories.

    Overboard wise, measuring everything out ahead of time can help curb going overboard. Eg: want cheezits? Portion them out into individual bags. I really do like your idea of balancing out your choices with greens if you eat a heavy meal, or reducing the amount that you eat of a certain item later on if you had a lot earlier in the day. I think that's a pretty good mindset that you have going!