Health and Bi Polar Disorder?!

MLEbush Posts: 2 Member
I just got back in the groove of my fitness pal and am excited to get started again!

I'm curious as to if anyone else here suffers from Bi Polar disorder? I know for me, keeping my weight and physical fitness under control helps tremendously.

I'm hoping to make some good, positive, supportive friends through this.

Let's keep on keepin' on. Add me if you'd like!



  • Qt2luvx20
    Qt2luvx20 Posts: 2
    Hi M, just seen your post. I just started on this site today and I also have bi-polar disorder. I started eating healthier recently and it has made an impact on how I've been feeling. I wish you luck on your journey and a new friend.
  • VixenArgentum
    VixenArgentum Posts: 91 Member

    I'm bipolar as well, and with medications, that's been a real journey.

    My first combination of medications made me shoot all the way up to 286lbs! I felt awful and was so uncomfortable in my own skin.

    My psychiatrist and I ferreted out the bad meds and replaced them with more weight-neutral meds. I was able to go down to about 260 without any trouble.

    Now I've added changes in activity and food, and I'm now at 245, so that's good, I can lose on these meds and hopefully get to a healthy weight.

    I find exercising really helps regulate my sleep-wake cycle, which makes all the difference in the world for how the bipolar is.