What is your morning routine?

I have realized that the only reasonable way for me to get any type of dedicated exercise is to get up before my kids and squeeze my work out in. What is your morning routine? I'm thinking that I'm going to push myself to get up at 6:00am do some stretching, then perhaps the gym (small community gym)? I'm not really sure like how I should go about doing this? I'm open for any suggestions. Thanks in advance guys!!!


  • nutech
    nutech Posts: 11
    Well, for me my job is my daily exercise. However I have found that I am completely useless in the morning unless I have a FULL breakfast. And when I say full I mean big and healthy! When I do my grocery shopping I make sure I always have things in the morning that will fill me up and a few things that I can just grab in case I wake up late. You can always just start out with a brisk walk in the morning. Or find an exercise video that only takes about 10 minutes. This would be far cheaper and you're right there if your kids or husband need you. Exercising before you start you day is always a good idea but you don't want to be wiped out before your day even starts. I hope this helps!
  • arbragg
    arbragg Posts: 73 Member
    I go to the gym 4-5dys a week in the morning, get up at 5, stay an hour, come home shower, have coffee, get ready and eat breakfast. I have found it's the best time for me to go, no excuses to not go after work, and the best is I have more energy as well as I know the exercise calories I burned to use in my diary. If you can manage to get up early, then I say do it-you will love it!!!

    Good luck :happy:
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    Exercising in the morning is actually the best time to exercise. It gets your body functioning to an optimal level so you are burning max possible calories all day. That said, I don't do that anymore due to how early I have to get into work and my commute. However, I used to always exercise in the morning. My routine was wake up at 4:30am, drink 8 ounces of water, light jog or drive(if it was bad weather) to my the local gym which was really close by, exercise for about 45 min- 1 hr, come home, shower, eat a protein rich breakfast, and the rest of my day was always awesome.
  • Fineraziel
    I think its a good idea to get up early and do your routine before the kids are awaken! :) You could use a fitness DVD, or simply do some cardio dancing (with music in your headphones) and a couple of crunchs, push-up, lungs and squats.
  • Degren
    Degren Posts: 80
    Like most moms, my morning routine revolves around my kids and around getting ready for work. My workout comes after work and school, but I involve my kids. My son and I will go for a walk, or my daughter and I will do a workout video. My hat is off to you ladies who are motivated enough to do the 5 am workout.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Up at 4:15 am. Workout for 45 minutes, Shower, eat get son up at 6:15. Get him fed, everyone dressed and out the door at 7:10. It's the only way I'll get any exercise. Don't like to go at lunch because then I'm hot and sweaty the rest of the day and too tired/lazy after work to do it.
  • ct1986
    ct1986 Posts: 200
    Mine varies a bit depending when I have to be at work but I usually get up about 2 hours before I have to be at work. That gives me half an hour to take meds and then wait if necessary, then 15-20 minutes for a simple breakfast. I then workout, usually a combo of Turbo Jam and my gym about 75 minutes. Come home get ready and take off.
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    I am a morning person too! At 5am Tues-Sunday I work out on my elliptical for 45 minutes. When I get down to my goal weight, I will do 4-5 times a week for 30 minutes. So far I have 46 pounds left.

  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I get up by 5:15, on the treadmill at the gym by 5:40. I walk for 30 minutes (alternating between flat and an incline) and then I either do 20 minutes of circuit training, or 25 minutes on the bike. I'm in the shower by 6:40, and out the door for work by 7:20 and at work by 8.

    I cannot eat before the gym because I'll get cramps while I work out, so I eat when I get to work, even then it's a pretty small breakfast like a banana and yogurt or cereal, etc. I know a heartier breakfast is probably recommended but I used to feel sick from eating any breakfast, so a smaller one is all I can manage.

    Unlike others though, I am so wiped on my gym days I need to drink one of those 5 hour energy drinks, they really work, though they do kind of tear up my stomach :angry:
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I am up at 3:45 am, take each one of my 3 dogs for a walk (unless its raining)

    Pack mine and hubby's lunch and cook breakfast for both of us (usually bacon and eggs, fired for me, scrambled for hubby)

    Shower and get dressed for work, wake hubby

    Drive to work.

    I have to be at work at 6:30 in the morning.

    In the afternoon when I get off work, I go home and take dogs for another walk. Go to the gym, come home and feed dogs and then cook our supper. Play with the dogs, get some studying in, soak in the tub and go to bed.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I get up at 5, or 5:30. Depending on how long my workout is. I make myself breakfast. Check my Beachbody Coach office and FB. Then I do my workout before my 1 year old gets up. Shower and wait patiently for her to awaken. Then when she is up, I make her breakfast and so on.
  • fitnewlife
    fitnewlife Posts: 339 Member
    I get up at 4:30 Monday - Friday to go to the gym. Right now I see a personal trainer Tues-Thurs so I will do cardio on Monday and Friday. I have to be at work by 8:00 so on the days I go to the trainer I'm there from 6-7. Monday and Friday I'm at the gym from 5:15-6-15 and that includes getting showered and changed for work.

    I cannot commit to getting off work and going to the gym so mornings are best for me. I sometimes get a bonus by working out in our gym at work with one of my coworkers.
  • afluegel
    afluegel Posts: 19 Member
    I am not a morning person! My mornings are filled with getting my older 2 girls ready and off to school and tending to the needs of my 2 yr. old. After my girls are off to school I make the coffee, wake the hubby and we have a good healthy breakfast togther. I do my workouts monday-friday around noon when the 2 yr old is napping. 3 days a week i go to curves and the other 2 I do a p90x videol I'm lucky to have a husband who works from home so i just give him the baby monitor during the baby's nap and sneak off. I also work part time nights and weekends on my feet....
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    I wake up before my kids and get my workout in. I am at the gym every day before 6am---and hope to get at least an hour in there. Come home, shower and have time to drink a cup of coffee before they wake up :) (most days!)

    My gym also has a daycare, so I often go to classes during the day and take my kids with me....

    But most definitely, waking up before they do is the best way to ensure you get your workout in!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    up at 4:30am
    start workout 5am
    wake oldest kid at 6am
    wake youngest kid 6:18am
    take shower :640am
    leave for work 7:10am
    get to work 8am
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
  • turbojanem
    i personally don't workout first thing. BUT there are many that do and need to to get it in during a crazy busy day. make sure you are getting to bed early enough to get enough rest when you are getting up earlier. rest IS just as important as healthy eating and moderate exercise.

    there are lots of workouts that can be done at home or at the gym. for me DVD's work better so i don't have to travel to and from the gym and don't have that monthly gym fee.

    find what works for you. because if it doesn't work for you. well, it doesn't work for you! what works for me is working out at 2pm. for some first thing in the morning. my Husband...he prefers to workout after working 10 hour shifts. find your grove and do it.

    cheering you on!