Need to lose 80 pounds

Hi everyone. I'm new here and thought I would give this a try for some support. I'm desperate to lose 80 pounds in 9 months although I would genuinely be happy losing 50 pounds!

Not sure how this message board thing works but here's a bit about me and my aim. Please let me know if I'm wrong in any way.

First off my wedding in in April 2015 on a beach huge reason to lose this weight.

Second. I'm a bran new mom of my first baby I was slightly over weight before being pregant and since being pregnant I gaind a considerable amount of weight about 30 pounds.

I decided about 3 weeks ago this is it I just have to start and try and lose this weight. So on my own made a meal plan and doing pretty good. I lost 7 pounds so far. Which I guess is average and I should be happier than I am with that. I guess my dissapointment is i just keep staying around that 7 pound loss now. It won't change. I'll gain 2 or 3 pounds then next time I check I lose it and still only lose my total of 7 pounds.

Before I started this journey i consumed around 2000 calories a day and ate a lot of fried fatty foods and junk foods. Hardly anything good for me. 10 pm in bed eating a bag of chips and dip with candy and pop skipping breakfast then having deep fryed French fries and dinner would be something fried again or fast food.

My recent trip to my doctor telling me I have high blood pressure still since my pregnancy that has not went down in 5 months now really slapped me in the head to lose this weight even more. So I can be healthier for myself and my daughter. My dr has informed me with losing weight te pressure will go down and in a month I'm to check back to see the weight loss. I'm worried there won't be a weight loss because my number has not changed since.

I now eat no junk no fried foods. Breakfast is oatmeal and fruit lunch is a wrap and salad. Dinner is chicken and rice. Snacks are almonds smoothies fruits or veggies or low calorie granola bars for a sweet craving. I'm not sure what else I can do. I'm as active as I can be for now walk when I can etc.

I'm not sure what I'm looking to get out of this. But it does feel good to get my story out there. And if anyone has tips help advice anything I'd love to her.

And ps I have huge support from my fiancé my mother and mother in law


  • bikinilinds
    bikinilinds Posts: 17 Member
    Hello. I read your story and I can relate. I, too, need to lose 80lbs in order to reach a healthy weight. I had my son last January and I was overweight when I decided I wanted a baby. I am 24yrs and at my highest weight ever. I weigh more now than when I was a week away from giving birth.

    My weight has been all over the place. I lost an amazing 40lbs a couple years ago and looked great and felt incredible. I am sad when I see those pictures of me then and now. I used to eat terribly. I would be up in bed at all hours of the night with a case of cola, a box of passion flakies, chocolate bars, chips, you name it! I had enough and that's why I lost the weight, but without strong motivation and support it came back, and doubled.

    Now I need 80lbs gone. I am currently doing the Slimfast diet because it works great and it's super fast. I have already lost 6lbs in the first week. I also cardio bike for 30 minutes and do another 30 minutes of floor exercises, 5 days a week. I drink 2L of water daily. Snacks are greek yogurt or unsweetened fruit/veggie sauce cups.

    My fiance is also supportive of me, but it's still hard being the only one in the house on a diet. I need other motivation to keep me on track. Summer is basically here and it's time to get out! I am looking for someone to be like a weightloss buddy. I would love to track our progress.
  • Hello I to would like to lose 80 pounds. I've been down this road twice before once I had met my goal and became pregnant with my son, and the second time was 18 months ago I was 27 pounds away from 200 pounds. I'm 5'11 and haven't weighed less than 200 pounds since I was 15 years old. I'm going to be 39 on Wednesday. I've worked so hard only to let myself down. Over the last 18 months I allowed myself to gain weight due to family illness and some personal issues. I had to come to terms with the problems before I could work on me. I'm hoping that with some support from this site I will meet my goal. I started my life style change on 4/22/14 @ 305 pounds today I'm 288.4. I'm hopeful and I'm inspired by reading the tales of others. We can do this!! Stay Focused!! Perseverance!! We got this ladies!!!
  • blueyedncrazy
    blueyedncrazy Posts: 15 Member
    Add me as a friend. I am ALWAYS struggling with my weight. I have 2 boys ages 2 and 7 so working out and eating right is always hard for me. I need some support and motivation!
  • Kristenmaccc
    Kristenmaccc Posts: 2 Member
    It's great to see responses out there form others in similar situations. I keep feeling like I'm stuck and I'm not going to lose this weight and then I get upset and wanna eat junk food. 7 pounds loss since this journey and hopefully a lot more will come off. I did once a few years back lose 30 pounds and felt great looked great and overall healthier. Since then I gained the 30 back plus and additional 30/40. Just after my pregnancy just walking upstairs killed me. I now can run up them but still just feel blah and not as I guess light feeling as I should and not as energized. Really hoping I lose 7 ish more pounds by June 9 by the time I see my dr again kind of scared and dreading if I don't what she might say!
  • As I worked the concession stand tonight around my favorite french fries I just kept in mind the big picture. I need to be healthier, I need to do this for me!! I keep thinking of every pound I lose as a pound of butter. As of right now I've lost a 15 pound turkey. Imagine carrying a fifteen pound turkey around all day. That's what we do!! Every pound is a success, every pound is something to be proud of!! We've got this!!
  • namaste1987
    namaste1987 Posts: 48 Member
    Hey! I totally want to be your weight loss buddy! I had my daughter via c section in October and during my pregnancy I got up to 262lbs!! BOO!! (M&M'S They'll get you!) After she was born and I was released from the hospital I was down to 229 (She was almost 10lbs) and now I am down to 206lbs. I have given myself a mini goal of 185lbs by June 26th because we are going to Alberta to visit family and they haven't seen me since the baby. But my overall goal is to lose a total of 50 lbs getting down to around 156lbs. I am trying to do it as quickly as possible since we want to try for another baby soon. So let's keep each other on track!! I am trying to get 30 mins of exercise 5 days a week, but I do what I can. It's tough with a baby lol.
    Anybody feel free to add me and kick my butt! Let's all get thin and fit!!