How to thin Thighs without gaining much Muscle?

I know this may get asked plenty and it may seem like a stupid question to some.
I know also you can't spot reduce but of course a certain exercise that overworks the muscle will make the muscles bigger hence having more bigger legs.

I am 5'11-6ft ish, 18 year old female with about 67 Pounds more to lose. Since January I have lost 48 Pounds.
I do about 40- 1 hour worth of cardio 5 days a week, Strength Training 3 days a week.
My Thighs have lots of fat on the inner thighs, Naturally being a Women and all.
I am wondering what Exercises should I do to just get the thigh fat without gaining a lot of muscle. I love the look of thin legs. Also Should I just focus on Cardio and Upper Body strength training? They say that you should Avoid Squats, lunges and resistance training when just wanting to slim the legs?



  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Ugh....where to start....

    Gaining muscle takes hours of progressive resistance training, an on point diet of a caloric surplus (after your minimal noob gains) and is EXTREMELY hard to do......for guys. It's exponentially harder for women to gain muscle, let along much muscle. Since you're working on losing fat, I will assume you're in a caloric defict, which will basically make it impossible to gain muscle at all (again outside noob gains)

    There is no such thing as spot reducing. No exercise you do will remove fat from a specific part of your body.....

    Worst part...not sure who "they" are, but that's exactly what you should be doing....squats, lunges, and lifting. When in a caloric deficit the body loses water, fat, AND muscle. With progressive resistance training in that deficit you preserve as much of that muscle as you can, so the weight you lose is mostly water and fat, thus being more effective/efficient at lowering your BF%. matter the're not going to "gain a lot of muscle".