digital or old school scale?

Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Which is more accurate a digital one or the other ones? We have a digital one in our bathroom but everytime i step on it, it says something different. Like i'll step on and it will say 130 then step off, then step right back on and it will say i weigh like 128. I have a regular one in my room and that thing is always off too..i always have to manually put the needle at 0 to step on so I dont know if i trust that one either. I need a freaking scale that is accurate!...and also not too expensive.


  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    unless you get a professional scale, they will always change a little as you move or shift around.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    The best investment I ever made was buying a Tanita brand digital scale. It is one of the most consistent I have ever owned. Plus it tells me when the batteries are getting low.

    I've heard of people using other scales to buy a Tanita and find out they weigh significantly more or less than the other scale said.

    Mine matches my doctors scale to the tee. And unfortunatly since I am gaining weight with pregnancy not always the first thing you want to see. LOL
  • I would just stick with the digital scale and just make sure you weight yourself at the same time every day..that will help keep your weigh ins more accurate. But i see where your coming is a little frustrating. Is your dig. scale new? If it is getting old maybe you just need to get a new one?! Good luck!
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    Don't have to buy one! Go to a GYM,Doctor's office, or even a YMCA[community center] to way yourself...usually calibrated and accurate.:wink: Only going to weigh yourself every 7,15,or 30 days right?
  • I have a digital one that I bought at Kmart for around 25 dollars, I think it was. It works great. It never flucutates when I move around or when I step off and weigh again. It is a Cal-Max Taylor Calorie Analyzer. It not only weighs, but tells you your BMI and how many calories you need, etc. It was a GREAT buy.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I weigh myself once a week. But if i do it at the gym im fully clothed and have already ate breakfest.
  • Dafrog
    Dafrog Posts: 353
    you should find a place for your digital to stay and dont move it around, it really depends how you stand on them also. you need to pick one and stick with it tho, since the different scales register differtly, that way you can tell if you are losing or gaining, i use the scale at the gym. although when i go to my dad's house, he had an exspensive scale and a reg. scale, yes you have to reset it everytime, but i weigh the same on both. a way to test your digital would be buy five pounds of fruit, step on the scales, then restep on them holding the bag close to your body. try to stand in the same spot, even if you have to draw you a pattern.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I got a "Taylor" brand scale at Kohls, on sale. It was like $25 or something. It never does that and the only time it goes up is throughout the day, which happens 'cus we gain weight throughout the day from food/liquid, and it goes down when you take your clothes off and back to normal when you put your clothes back on. Yes, I tested it. LOL
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    I have a digital, and unfortunately I drive myself mad by weighing almost every day. Some weeks it will give me a different number each time, which I think is normal, give or take a few ounces. But sometimes it will be the exact same number, down to the ounce...not sure how I feel when it does that, almost makes me think its broken or the batteries are getting weak, sometimes I just feel like throwing it out the window...sigh..
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,035 Member
    The best investment I ever made was buying a Tanita brand digital scale. It is one of the most consistent I have ever owned. Plus it tells me when the batteries are getting low.

    I've heard of people using other scales to buy a Tanita and find out they weigh significantly more or less than the other scale said.

    Mine matches my doctors scale to the tee. And unfortunatly since I am gaining weight with pregnancy not always the first thing you want to see. LOL
    I am really happy with my Tanita too. I got it after reading lots of online reviews that my model gives extremely accurate weights. My model is also one that supposedly measures body fat percentage, but I do not recommend it for that. It is nowhere near accurate, not even for tracking trends. The lower my body fat percentage gets, the farther off the scale is. But it's great for weigh-ins!
  • doris_day
    doris_day Posts: 159
    It's been very hard for me to put the scale away. I had to put it in a closet - because I was getting psycho with the scale - weighing myself several times through the day. I recommend one day a week otherwise you're going to make yourself crazy - happy one minute because the scale says something you like and sad when it doesn't.
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Don't have to buy one! Go to a GYM,Doctor's office, or even a YMCA[community center] to way yourself...usually calibrated and accurate.:wink: Only going to weigh yourself every 7,15,or 30 days right?

    My gym scales aren't calibrated and I see 50+ lbs kids jumping up and down on it all the time. I'm scared of those.
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