This is my 5th weight loss support site

I hope it helps me this time. Trying to stay within a 1200-1300 daily calorie range with 120 minutes of exercise daily. My goal is to drop two pant sizes my New Years.


  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    Welcome! This is my 2nd weight loss support site and my millionth weight loss. As long as we never quit, WE CAN WIN!

  • Shash27
    Shash27 Posts: 172
    Welcome!! I've tried a variety of weight loss sites/techniques too. I love MFP.It has really helped me stick to my diet and exercise plan AND I've lose more weight here than I have on ANYTHING else (11 lbs since I joined end of August) . The support system is wonderful.

    Glad to have you here!!!
  • nikki91950
    if you're exercising for two hours a day, i doubt 1300 calories will be enough. follow the calorie goal provided by the site and go from there.
  • Joeysgirl
    Welcome! And I wish you the best of luck. I agree with Nikki - follow myfitnesspal's recommendations because you will need to be eating more calories if you are working out that much. . . otherwise your body wont' want to let go of the fat stores.

    Enjoy MFP :flowerforyou:
  • tesshaney
    tesshaney Posts: 110 Member
    Thank you all for the welcome. I didnt realize I would need to eat more calories. The site gave me around 2400 which I thought sounded like I should be eating all day long! My personal trainer is the one who told me 1200-1300 but maybe I will reaccess that with her. I cant sleep because I'm so hungry, I wake up hungry in the mornings and last night I left the gym because I was so hungry.
  • Fatoshie
    Fatoshie Posts: 47 Member
    I agree it doesnt sound like 1200 calories is enough for a person exercising everyday. staying so hungry all the time is not good as knowing myself I'd say "forget it! IM GOING TO EAT!!!!" lol.
    This site seems to be working fine, its my 3rd day only but Im liking it :D i dont need to calculate anything myself, i just log them in and there! it tells me everything. i think it'll help me stay motivated :)
    good luck to you on your aim too!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    2400 sounds a bit high for a woman. When you set up your profile and it asked about activity level, did you include your daily exercise? If you did, go back and change it, and do not include your daily exercise, just your other daily activities. On MFP when you log in your exercise it adds to your calorie goal for the day. If you already have it figured in, and then log in your exercise it will double your calories! Quite a few people set the profile to sedentary, then log in what ever activities they perform. For a woman with the profile set to sedentary and 2 lbs a week loss you will most likely get the 1200 base calories, and then as you log exercise you get more calories to use. Some people say to eat all your exercise calories, some say don't eat any.... it will come down to a personal preference. If you are hungry EAT (healthy). Maybe start by using half your exercise calories and see how you do for a couple weeks. Sometimes you have to eat more than 1200 to lose weight. I stalled when I used 1200. I found 1300-1400 and half my exercise calories works best for me. It will be trial and error, but stick with it until you find what works for you. Also eat 4-6 times a day to keep from feeling starved! 3 good meals and a few low cal snacks that contain protein will keep you from feeling like your throat was cut.

    Good Luck!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    If you've been sticking to 1200 - 1300 /day, start upping it by a few hundred for a week at a time. Try going a week at 1400-1500 calories a day for a week - then up it again if you aren't suddenly gaining. I agree- with TWO HOURS of exercise you should be requiring more than just 1300. Unless those two hours are walking super slowly or chewing or something :wink:


    I've done every kind of diet and every kind of "life style change". I resisted counting calories because "I know what works for me" and I know what I eat.

    Nothing has worked as well for me as this site. Between SEEING what I'm actually eating every day, and having this amazing support structure - I do fabulous as long as I check in every day.

    I was gone from March until September - and I gained back ten pounds. I know I'll be down to 150 in the next 4 - 6 months with the help of MyFitnessPal!
  • HazelDiva1913
    HazelDiva1913 Posts: 194 Member
    I think this is about my 5th support site too. I joined in august but never actually participated. This is by far my favorite site yet. Ive been on consitently for 3 days and so far im hooked.