Hitting goal NOW WHAT???

Birdnicaj Posts: 95
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I'm two pounds away from my goal and instead of feeling thrilled like I should be, I'm totally terrified of what's going to happen once I stop "dieting". It was pretty hard work to lose the weight (a lot harder than I ever thought it would be and it wasn't even that much weight!)
Now I'm scared that it will all come back. I need practical advice...I know about continuing to eat healthy foods, and stay active. I need real stats, like how much exercise is enough to maintain and how do I know how many calories to eat....? I don't love exercise but I did it 5 days per week to get down the pounds...can I cut back at this point? A bit?
Anyone that has met their goal and maintained, please give feedback! Also, what are some of the stumbling blocks I can expect to run into? I need to hear from you guys!


  • don't consider your new eating style a diet but rather a new way of eating period. You can maintain your goal! Just keep moving and keep making great choices! Congrats on being so close to your goal!
  • amstein18
    amstein18 Posts: 131
    bump! i'd like advice on this too
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    I think you might find this post very interesting. It kind of gives you an idea of what you should expect over the course of this whole journey. Where you're at the end, most of it is hopefully unapplicable, but maybe there is still something you can get from it.

  • Bump! Im in the same vote! would like to hear more!
  • saychzzz
    saychzzz Posts: 69 Member
    I am NOWHERE near my goal but my Dr. has already given me the info on maintaining once I do get there. What she said to do was slowly increase my calories by 200 per day/ one week at a time and cut back on exercise by one day at a time. Weigh every couple of days and when there is no weight loss or gain, you're where you need to be. She also said to continue to weigh often so that if you start creeping up a bit, you can work on it a few day and take it back off. 21 years ago, I lost 50 pounds and kept if off for 3 years (until I got pregnant with my second child). Basically, what I wrote above is exactly what I did. I worked myself from 1200calories up to 1800 and reduced my walking from 6 days a week to 3. Good luck and congratulations!!
  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    I've been working on maintaining since August and can definitely relate to the stress of the unknown, and not wanting to gain. MFP will let you set your weight goals to maintenance, - "maintain my current weight" - and that will let you now about how many calories you should be eating. Slowly add calories back into your diet every week until you hit that recommended maintenance level.

    I've continued to lose weight at a steady pace since switching to maintenance, so I'm now about 150 calories OVER where MFP says I should be daily. Keep fooling around with it until you're able to maintain.

    Since I was still actively losing when I didn't want to be, I stopped working out as much/as hard as I did when I was trying to lose. I used to do a strength training DVD 5-6 times a week, but will now do a short 30 minute one 3 times a week and try to get a walk in on some of the other days.

    I am still trying to eat clean and as healthy as possible, but with about 450 extra calories a day, I sometimes allow myself things that I wouldn't have when trying to lose. I'm still counting calories diligently everyday, and am keeping myself accountable for my choices.

    As for stumbling blocks - I feel like, mentally, maintaining is harder work than losing. You aren't met with the reward of a loss each week, yet you have to keep up your positive attitude and motivation. It take some adjustment. My fear is, like everyone's, that I'll get too comfortable and slide backwards. I think it's important to continue to set other types of goals and rewards - fitness goals are great and give you something to work towards.

    I won't say it's easy, but it's definitely worth it. Good luck :)
  • smitty328
    smitty328 Posts: 164 Member
    don't consider your new eating style a diet but rather a new way of eating period. You can maintain your goal! Just keep moving and keep making great choices! Congrats on being so close to your goal!
  • smitty328
    smitty328 Posts: 164 Member
    I agree!!! It's a lifestyle change :)
  • This is exactly what I needed to know...esp the part about adding the calories back slowly! Yes, when the motivation of losing is gone, it is easy to slide backward! Congrats to all of you who have lost and stayed that way!!! Thank you for taking your time to write!
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