Maintenance vs gaining definition?

MagdaSea Posts: 78 Member
About a year ago I was very close to my ideal shape. I weighed about 107lbs with 23% bodyfat. Right now I'm around 112 with maybe 24% bodyfat. Now maybe this is something I'm just imagining but it honestly seems that it was easier to get more definition with the same effort when I was already in shape.

For example, at 107lbs, I would do 30 wide-leg sit ups every day for a week and my six pack would be popping. And I mean even when I would sit down and hunch over, it was still very well defined.

Now at 112, I could do the exact same amount for a week with very little difference to how my abs look.

Again, maybe I'm not remembering it correctly but it's as if there is a certain level of muscle that I gained and after that point, becoming more toned took a lot less effort.



  • sati18
    sati18 Posts: 153 Member
    I've seen people on here saying that definition is largely about the amount of bodyfat you have, rather than just the size of your muscles. if you had less bodyfat then i guess it would make sense that the same exercise would give you definition quicker
  • MagdaSea
    MagdaSea Posts: 78 Member
    I've seen people on here saying that definition is largely about the amount of bodyfat you have, rather than just the size of your muscles. if you had less bodyfat then i guess it would make sense that the same exercise would give you definition quicker

    That's what I'm inclined to think as well. But I just can't see 5lbs making THAT much of a difference. Also it wasn't just abs. Same went for my glutes and inner adductors.
  • _JPunky
    _JPunky Posts: 508 Member
    How tall are you? I'm only 5'2" and 5 pounds is a HUGE difference on me.
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    I'm 5'4" and 5 lbs. has made a HUGE difference with me as well!!
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Abs popping with 23-24% BF? No. If you went up in weight and your bodyfat increased as well, I'm sorry but you've gained more fat. Are you even lifting and eating at a surplus to gain muscle?
  • MagdaSea
    MagdaSea Posts: 78 Member
    I'm 5'3 so okay maybe those 5lbs will make a difference. I also might have been lower than 23% of bodyfat a year ago. I wasn't really keeping track.

    I don't lift but do hit the gym about 6 times a week with 15 minutes spent on cardio and 45 on strength training. No, I am not eating at a surplus to gain muscle but then again I'm doing exactly what I did to get into the shape I was once at.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    I'm 5'3 so okay maybe those 5lbs will make a difference. I also might have been lower than 23% of bodyfat a year ago. I wasn't really keeping track.

    I don't lift but do hit the gym about 6 times a week with 15 minutes spent on cardio and 45 on strength training. No, I am not eating at a surplus to gain muscle but then again I'm doing exactly what I did to get into the shape I was once at.

    You don't lift but strength train? Confused... You can be doing exactly what you were doing to get in shape before exercise wise but if your eating is not up to par, then your workouts and body will suffer. Are you tracking your calories and has anything changed in your diet?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm 5'3 so okay maybe those 5lbs will make a difference. I also might have been lower than 23% of bodyfat a year ago. I wasn't really keeping track.

    I don't lift but do hit the gym about 6 times a week with 15 minutes spent on cardio and 45 on strength training. No, I am not eating at a surplus to gain muscle but then again I'm doing exactly what I did to get into the shape I was once at.

    You don't lift but strength train? Confused... You can be doing exactly what you were doing to get in shape before exercise wise but if your eating is not up to par, then your workouts and body will suffer. Are you tracking your calories and has anything changed in your diet?

    all this- something doesn't seem quiet right.

    definition is largely body fat- diet is 80% of the game of definition.

    Yes strength/lifting/weight/resistance training is needed- but all of it means nothing if you have to much body fat- are not losing body fat or are gaining body fat.
  • MagdaSea
    MagdaSea Posts: 78 Member
    You don't lift but strength train? Confused... You can be doing exactly what you were doing to get in shape before exercise wise but if your eating is not up to par, then your workouts and body will suffer. Are you tracking your calories and has anything changed in your diet?

    Sorry, I honestly thought 'to lift' meant strictly working with the barbell doing things like deadlifts, snatches, barbell squats etc. Otherwise I thought it was just called strength training.

    Right so that was my question really because it seemed like I'd get a whole lot more definition with less effort before. But I guess it was largely dependent on the fact that my body fat used to be a lot lower.

    I'm working on getting back to that level of body fat and I know my diet is the same. I just thought the issue I was describing was based on something other than diet. That's all. Thanks for the input.