Meal Planner w/ Ideas

talobx Posts: 6
Hello FP - I am trying to put together meals 3x/day for 7 days with no luck! I'm finding that eating healthy is getting very expensive and I just need ideas of what others are eating for B / L / D ?


  • shawnakelsey
    shawnakelsey Posts: 46 Member
    Start with a ton of fruits and veggies!! Then plan your meals around then. Buy meat when it on sale!!
  • krislady
    krislady Posts: 16 Member
    I typically plan my dinners for M-F, with weekends being either leftovers or something super-quick, depending on what's going on.

    Weekday breakfasts are frequently leftovers, and for lunch at work, I bring a salad - a quart mason jar with romaine lettuce and a portion cup of (usually homemade) dressing.

    I also try to keep fruit here at work for snacking - right now, it's an apple, an orange and a grapefruit.

    I try to plan at least one meatless meal a week (two if I can sneak it by my husband!), and almost everything is done from scratch. I enjoy cooking, and even more, I enjoy knowing what's in my food and where my calories are coming from! :)
  • apparations
    apparations Posts: 264 Member
    I find it's helpful to take one day a week (Sunday, assuming you work Mon-Fri) and cut up/ pre-portion fruits and veggies for the week. Carrot sticks, celery sticks, peppers, cantaloupe, pineapple, mango etc. Also have easy things to take with you on the go like apples or bananas. I often make a big batch of oatmeal, portion into tupperware and reheat for the rest of the week. To save money, avoid buying precut fruits or veggies at the grocery store. They are marked up and often contain preservatives. Add me and check out my diary if you'd like!
  • S_Murphree
    S_Murphree Posts: 94
    Any dried beans are cheap and healthy. For a meat free day, make vegetarian chili with dried beans, tomatoes, onion and seasoning. High in fiber low in fat. Very economical.

    Pastas are high in carbs but if you load them with roasted veggies, it's really good. I like to make pasta salad with pasta, cucumber, tomatoes (etc) and low calorie balsamic dressing... Great lunch.

    Breakfast. You can choose instant oatmeal. Boiled eggs. I like english muffins with egg and cheese. Use only egg whites if you want to cut down on cholesterol and calories. I see several people making egg muffins in muffin tins. Eggs, peppers, onions, ham, etc. Cook in muffin tin for the next week. Easy to take along and great taste. Salsa would be yummy on it. On weekends, I like heauvos rancheros - spray and toast one corn toritilla, add refried beans, cheese, egg and salsa. Yummo!

    Tuna is a great option. Very cheap.

    You could make your own soup and divide it out. Freeze what you don't use.

    Also, a great way to save money is if you find chicken or steak on sale, buy extra and cook. Whatever is left, slice and put in ziploc bags. Toss in salads or make a quick fajita.

    I found roasting vegetables with olive oil in 400 degree oven is the bomb. Makes them sweet and delicious. I've even roasted radishes and found them to be great.

    Cucumber is my go to snack. Low calorie and refreshing.

    I recently started eating frozen tilapia (Sea Best is really good and individually wrapped filets). I cook it in a foil back with lemon and butter. After done, I place on top of orzo pasta and pour the juice from the packet on top.

    Oh one more. Flat breads make a great pizza. Very quick and easy. I found the best way to cook them is to spray the flat bread with nonstick spray and lightly toast in oven, then top with your favorite vegetables, etc. Toasting keeps the bread from getting soggy.
  • shawnakelsey
    shawnakelsey Posts: 46 Member
    What I ate yesterday

    Breakfast frittata- Egg whites, Pork chorizo, {you can use any meat you like} onions, peppers, tomato, fresh mozzarella cheese, 1/2 whole wheat bagel

    Snack- banana

    Lunch- Whole wheat linguine, my homemade pasta sauce {tomato, squash, zucchini, peppers, onion, garlic, basil, vegetable stock} red pepper and mozzarella cheese stuffed chicken sausage

    Snack- low fat cheese squares, two slice buffalo style chicken lunch meat, hummus, dill pickle

    Dinner- chef salad

    I plan my meals for the week on Sundays. I cook and pre make all my stuff so all I have to do is grab and go.

    It was all very yummy!! Hope this help you!!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    My breakfasts are mostly protein & veg ...... this morning I had a hardboiled egg, sauteed spinach & cherry tomatoes

    Lunches are on the light side ...... assorted raw veggies & hummus

    Snacks are string cheese, apples, nuts

    Dinner is protein, veg & starch ...... I start with a salad, entree is a lean meat, chicken, or fish ..... roasted veggies & a sweet potato

    Good luck :drinker:
  • quzly
    quzly Posts: 78 Member
    My diary is open. I also post pictures of my weekly prep on instagram (quzly). Good luck!!!
  • C1C2C3
    C1C2C3 Posts: 119 Member
    Breakfast -
    Fruit and yogurt smoothie
    brown rice porridge - found recipe by chance via google at The recipe as is makes 4 breakfasts for me, I portion, refrigerate and reheat with a bit of milk.
    oatmeal - allrecipes "Super-duper oatmeal" and "super good oatmeal" recipes are both really filling

    Lunch -
    oatmeal w/ wheat germ
    vegetables with a bit of protein (chicken, bacon, etc.) and seasoning - heated in microwave (frozen vegetables work great!)

    Supper -
    Meat and vegetables. I will add a starch in about 50% of the time, but try to not make it the main focus.

    - Depending on the schedule for the week, I will make enough for at least two evening meals. If I do that, I only need to cook two or three nights at the most.

    - Leftover meat and veggies added to pasta with a light dressing can make a nice pasta salad or can be heated in a skillet for a warm meal (I will add seasoning, sauce or cheese depending on combination).

    - Cook in bulk and freeze. Put whole chicken (I take skin off and rinse) in a crock pot (I always coat inside with cooking spray). Season as you wish, cook on low 8-10 hours or on high 4-6 hours. No water needed - it will make its own broth. You can portion and freeze what you are not going to use for a quick meal in the future. Liquid can be strained and used in recipes calling for chicken stock/broth. If not going to use broth right away, portion and freeze.

    Ideas for cooked crock pot chicken:
    - eat as main entree as is
    - chop and add to alfredo sauce for chicken alfredo
    - heat with veggies, starch of choice and cheese in skillet for a quick one-dish meal
    - shred and add barbeque sauce for BBQ chicken sandwiches
    - chicken salad
  • cadaver0usb0nes
    cadaver0usb0nes Posts: 151 Member
    I will usually make a big dinner with 4-6 servings so that there will be leftovers for a few other meals for the week. For breakfast I usually will have a yogurt + coffee. For lunch usually leftovers, sometimes I go out to eat for lunch when I am at work.

    Good dinners are stir frys with lots of veggies and meat/sea food/tofu depending on your dietary needs, meat loafs (vegetarian or made with meat, baked chicken, fish, lots of veggies always, garden burgers/black bean burgers, mexican food. All these you can make one night and then store leftovers in the fridge or freezer. Soups are really good to make a big batch of cuz you can freeze if for a long time and just heat it up when you want some. I stock up on granola bars and protein bars for snacks.
  • skinnyforhi
    skinnyforhi Posts: 340 Member
    Breakfast: one piece whole grain toast with peanut butter, and one piece fruit (apple, banana, and orange are inexpensive)
    Lunch: quinoa, chickpea, kale stir-fry (less than 3 dollars a serving)
    Dinner: grilled or baked chicken with a sweet potato or couscous, and a green salad or roasted vegetable (asparagus, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower)
    Snacks: popcorn, fresh or dried fruit, granola bars, whole grain crackers and hummus, Greek yogurt and fruit, mixed nuts, salsa and whole grain tortilla chips.
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    Any dried beans are cheap and healthy. For a meat free day, make vegetarian chili with dried beans, tomatoes, onion and seasoning. High in fiber low in fat. Very economical.

    Pastas are high in carbs but if you load them with roasted veggies, it's really good. I like to make pasta salad with pasta, cucumber, tomatoes (etc) and low calorie balsamic dressing... Great lunch.

    Breakfast. You can choose instant oatmeal. Boiled eggs. I like english muffins with egg and cheese. Use only egg whites if you want to cut down on cholesterol and calories. I see several people making egg muffins in muffin tins. Eggs, peppers, onions, ham, etc. Cook in muffin tin for the next week. Easy to take along and great taste. Salsa would be yummy on it. On weekends, I like heauvos rancheros - spray and toast one corn toritilla, add refried beans, cheese, egg and salsa. Yummo!

    Tuna is a great option. Very cheap.

    You could make your own soup and divide it out. Freeze what you don't use.

    Also, a great way to save money is if you find chicken or steak on sale, buy extra and cook. Whatever is left, slice and put in ziploc bags. Toss in salads or make a quick fajita.

    I found roasting vegetables with olive oil in 400 degree oven is the bomb. Makes them sweet and delicious. I've even roasted radishes and found them to be great.

    Cucumber is my go to snack. Low calorie and refreshing.

    I recently started eating frozen tilapia (Sea Best is really good and individually wrapped filets). I cook it in a foil back with lemon and butter. After done, I place on top of orzo pasta and pour the juice from the packet on top.

    Oh one more. Flat breads make a great pizza. Very quick and easy. I found the best way to cook them is to spray the flat bread with nonstick spray and lightly toast in oven, then top with your favorite vegetables, etc. Toasting keeps the bread from getting soggy.

    Great ideas. thanks!