Help! Workout or housework

So I have been doing good on keeping with a decent workout schedule lately. I only miss one or two days a week. When I miss them its to get caught up on house work that I put off the other 5 days of the week. I get out of work at 645. By the time I do 30 day shred and walk the dog then make dinner and clean up its already like 8pm and I'm too tired to do laundry or anything like that! Anyone else have this problem? I mean yeah I've been working out but struggling to find clean clothes or silverware since I get so far behind with other areas of life!


  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Housework will never be my first choice :laugh:

    On a workout day, I work, go to the gym & get home between 7 & 8. Then I have to eat, do the dishes, walk the dog and make sure I have food for the next day's lunch/snacks. Bed is at 10. (I also don't have kids to worry about though)

    I save cleaning & laundry for a day off on the weekend.

    ETA: If laundry HAS to be done during the week, can you throw a load in the washer, do your workout, then take everything out once you're done?
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    I know what you mean. I get off work at 6, go to the gym for an hour, reach home at 9 (two hour subway commute), shower and do laundry, heat up and have dinner, do the dishes, pass out.
  • Platform_Heels
    Platform_Heels Posts: 388 Member
    So I have been doing good on keeping with a decent workout schedule lately. I only miss one or two days a week. When I miss them its to get caught up on house work that I put off the other 5 days of the week. I get out of work at 645. By the time I do 30 day shred and walk the dog then make dinner and clean up its already like 8pm and I'm too tired to do laundry or anything like that! Anyone else have this problem? I mean yeah I've been working out but struggling to find clean clothes or silverware since I get so far behind with other areas of life!

    Why can't you toss a load into the washing machine when you get home from work, do your exercise then put in another load of laundry if the first one is done after your workout is done. Walk the dog, make dinner, again, toss in another load. Clean up after dinner, do one last load of laundry at the end of the night.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    So I have been doing good on keeping with a decent workout schedule lately. I only miss one or two days a week. When I miss them its to get caught up on house work that I put off the other 5 days of the week. I get out of work at 645. By the time I do 30 day shred and walk the dog then make dinner and clean up its already like 8pm and I'm too tired to do laundry or anything like that! Anyone else have this problem? I mean yeah I've been working out but struggling to find clean clothes or silverware since I get so far behind with other areas of life!
    I dont want to sound like a jerk here, but it really does not take much time at all to do laundry, or to do your dishes. The washer and dryer do 99.9% of the work and doing dishes takes literally a minute or two after you eat.
    Unless you have like 3+ people in your family to do dishes and laundry for then having no time is nothing but a copout.
    I work 3 jobs, run and workout, do yardwork, etc and laundry/dishes literally are the easist and fastest chores to do.
  • nicolemontagna22
    nicolemontagna22 Posts: 229 Member
    It's not that I can't make time to do it. It's more than after spending my 9-645 workday working with kids all day then doing 30 day shred and walking the dog then cleaning up from dinner around 8 or 830 I'm to drained to want to get up to do any of it. Once I sit down to dinner I try to have an hour with my husband before he goes to bed at 930. I go to sleep about an hour after him so I do have an hour of "free time" where I check my email apply to jobs and whatnot . But I'm too drained to be on my feet. I don't know if it's like a real physical tired or if it's wanting a rest from all the craziness throughout the day. The 30 day shred is supposed to be everyday but I take out two days a week to get stuff done. Does anyone else feel that if they worked out 7 days a week their household chores would slack? And do you think it's physical tiredness or just wanting a mental break.?
  • birkona
    birkona Posts: 24
    So I have been doing good on keeping with a decent workout schedule lately. I only miss one or two days a week. When I miss them its to get caught up on house work that I put off the other 5 days of the week. I get out of work at 645. By the time I do 30 day shred and walk the dog then make dinner and clean up its already like 8pm and I'm too tired to do laundry or anything like that! Anyone else have this problem? I mean yeah I've been working out but struggling to find clean clothes or silverware since I get so far behind with other areas of life!

    Why don't you try running while you take the dog out? You could do that every other day so that every other day you can have that extra 30-60 minutes of free time to do household chores. Also, some people will go on a brisk walk during their lunch break.

    What I usually do though is I workout first thing in the morning. I will wake up an extra 1-2 hours before I need to. That way when I come home I'm not too drained to do anything else.
  • nicolemontagna22
    nicolemontagna22 Posts: 229 Member
    I county he dog walk as my cardio. As far as a lunch break I don't get one. I work with autistic kids so I eat my lunch in a cafeteria hahaha. I always wanted to work out in the morning. I don't think I can do the plyo moves that early but could probably handle some walking. But the problem is more in the motivation. I feel if I use it to work out I don't have it in other areas. I hate my job and it stresses me out daily so what I'm trying to figure out is of I should be too physically tired to want to do household chores or just emotionally drained. Trying to get an insight on how others feel about their routines.
  • nicolemontagna22
    nicolemontagna22 Posts: 229 Member
    I just started taking iron pills today because I was told my iron was low. I'm just looking to figure out what the problem is and fix it. Based on others routines and ability to do both it doesn't sound like I'm pushing too hard. I know my work schedule is changing soon so hopefully that will help.