PMS/PMDD?? May be TMI for some!

I have never really believed in "cravings" but since I quit breastfeeding my 3rd child..... a week prior to starting.... I turn into a monster!! I even irritate myself!! Every little (and I mean little) thing causes me to become extremely irritable... I am exhuasted!! Not only have I turned into this awful, cranky person....I want to eat EVERYTHING in sight or not even in sight!! With trying to become healthier, exercise and lose weight it is always a struggle this week prior to my period! I find myself eating crap and then working out for hours to try to burn it off...I become even more exhausted and cranky!! I do not know how my poor family puts up with me during this time! I feel like they should lock me in a cage!! Don't get me wrong....I am not trying to make excuses! I am still doing the work....I just wish I wasn't making it so hard for myself!! Any suggestions??


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Head to the OB/GYN. Your hormones might really be off. You could have postpartum issues. Your blood sugar levels could have changed.

    As far as PMS, Tylenol helps me. Be careful though. Heavy, heavy acetaminophen use has been linked to decreased fertility.

    Best of luck.
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    I get the same thing, so I made a thread about it a while back. Some tips on there may help

    What I forgot to add was that I personally take magnesium supplements right before my period or pms time is due to start. Prob a good idea to check with your doctor about something like that first just in case, though. I use the Swisse brand ones, and when I do remember to take it, there's been periods where I was able to completely not have PMS and had reduced pain! my partner was pretty relieved when I discovered it helps, too lol.
  • DusrPixie
    DusrPixie Posts: 3 Member
    Calcium, calcium, calcium. I can't repeat that enough CALCIUM!!:happy:

    I had horrible pms, breasts on fire for a week in advance and soooo irritable. I started taking calcium supplements for a different issue and realized months later that my pms was almost completely gone. So I went looking for the reason on the internet and found out that I had stumbled on to the cure by accident! It took about three months to completely eradicate symptoms for me,